Sprite / Tile design software (PC)
Can anybody recommend PC based sprite / tile design software?
I know of Tile Studio and ProMotion but are there any other packages out there either freeware or shareware I should be considering.
- Tony
I know of Tile Studio and ProMotion but are there any other packages out there either freeware or shareware I should be considering.
- Tony
[noparse][[/noparse]Edit:] ASE can save in different formats.· You have to look in the \files\docs\ for a description of some of· the formats, such as .ase, .fli, .msk, .pic, etc.
If you are targeting a specific size/BPP, then there are likely other editors you could "repurpose" to suit your needs.
NES/Game Boy tile ediors could work for some of the graphics drivers (Hydra-like ones, for example)·provided you could get them to export in the correct format, or handle with a little coding to "massage" the data.
If all else fails (and you feel up to it) you could "roll your own" by editing a bitmap in a graphics editor, then writing a program to "break up" the image into tiles and put them in the specific format you need/want.
[noparse][[/noparse]Edit:]· I end up doing this more often· than not, as there usually is no one editor that is a "perfect match" for what I am working on at the time.
Post Edited (trodoss) : 10/14/2009 3:58:07 PM GMT
- Tony
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http://www.propgfx.co.uk/forum/·home of the PropGFX Lite
Thanks for that - I'll look it up in the 2600 thread
- Tony