Theft of Basic Stamps and Board of education.
I am sorry to say that my home was broken into, they took a playstation, video camera, two basic Stamps , the stamps cost me $89 AUS each.
So now I either go back to picaxe or try the SX/B as the SX chips i can afford but currently i cannot afford Basic Stamps.
Will I get the same level of newbie support on SX forum as on the Basic Stamp forum ?
Is SX Basic supported well. I am not inclined to learn assebly or C , maybe Spin one day.
Post Edited (thewhiteoxe) : 8/2/2009 4:50:48 AM GMT
So now I either go back to picaxe or try the SX/B as the SX chips i can afford but currently i cannot afford Basic Stamps.
Will I get the same level of newbie support on SX forum as on the Basic Stamp forum ?
Is SX Basic supported well. I am not inclined to learn assebly or C , maybe Spin one day.
Post Edited (thewhiteoxe) : 8/2/2009 4:50:48 AM GMT
The SX instruction set and SX/B are more complex than the Basic Stamps. There will be good support, but it may not be as fast as for the Basic Stamps and it will likely expect you to do more of the work since there's not as much in terms of examples and texts as there are for the Basic Stamps.
I would strongly suggest you look seriously at the Propeller. You can get started with the Propeller Protoboard for $30 US if you have a USB to Serial Adapter that could be used with the Stamps (or have a serial port on your PC) and you're able to build the 3-transistor programming interface that works with a standard PC serial port (
Just call me micro.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother.
I have changed my avatar so that I will no longer be confused with others who use genaric avatars.
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order.
Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
seems you're an Aussie,
i have a few second hand bs2sx here that i cant put to use in our equipment because they are used (from returned equipment) but they will be ok for you to use.
pm me your postal address and i'll send you 2 or 3·if you wish, no charge.
but in saying that - prop is definately the way to go if you are starting out, for a heap of reasons.
let me know if you want a couple stamps·· [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I was promised a big box of parts from a user on the forum about a year ago, and never received it. 6 months later I got a PM from the guy saying that he had forgotten and had just found the message, and he would send it, and I still never got it.
Such a very amazing link!
Thanks you for the post.
Welcome to the wonderful world of human nature. It's why I prefer the company of (mostly) predictable machines.
Now, back to work on my Galatea clone. {maniacal laughter}
I suggest that you start with a propeller demo board to see what it can do. It really is incredible. Often you can get the 'propeller starter kit' which includes the demo board, book and something else (i forget) and it goes on sale as a daily special with some regularity for $60 US.
I know because I thought my demo board went bad and needed to buy another and saw this sale come up so it was cheaper than buying a demo board. In the end, though, the old board was good - one of my kids nabbed the chrystal off of it.