I'm trying to help my son with his microrobotics class.· He's got to make a servo move to indicate the temperature thats read by that sensor.· He's written the following code.· Do you guys think it'll work?· There's a whole bunch before this and after this that the teacher said didn't need to be changed.· I think it's the part that makes the temperature thingy work.· Thanks
' Main Program Code
GOSUB SHT_Measure_Temp
pulses VAR Word
duration VAR Word
DEBUG DEC (tf/10)* 100, CR
DEBUG "tF.."
DEBUG "temp equal duration", CR
DEBUG DEC "duration"
DEBUG "servo is showing temp", CR
PULSOUT 14, duration
DEBUG "done"
· PAUSE 1000·························· ' minimum delay between readings
· Loop
' Subroutines
' Main Program Code
GOSUB SHT_Measure_Temp
pulses VAR Word
duration VAR Word
DEBUG DEC (tf/10)* 100, CR
DEBUG "tF.."
DEBUG "temp equal duration", CR
DEBUG DEC "duration"
DEBUG "servo is showing temp", CR
PULSOUT 14, duration
DEBUG "done"
· PAUSE 1000·························· ' minimum delay between readings
· Loop
' Subroutines
The main label should be moved before the DO statement.
You need to calculate duration somewhere. It looks like you have the equation in a debug statement, but you'll need to assign something to duration. Also, some boundary checks would be good to make sure that it doesn't over/under shoot and potentially damage the servo.
Servos need to be refreshed every 20 ms or so. So, you have two options: just get rid of the PAUSE 1000 and shorten to the PAUSE 20 to about 15, or create a servo routine that lasts about 1000 ms. I like the latter.