Puzzling BS2 Module Problem
I have been working on several projects with my BS2 until recently, it stopped working all of the sudden. When I now connect the BS2 using a serial to usb cable (that works with my BS1) on the board of education, the computer can no longer identify it. I have gone through all of the troubleshooting points that parallax posts on their website with no luck. Nothing appears/smells to have burnt out and the connections all seem solid. Does anyone know of any other forum(s) that look at this problem? Has anyone else run into this issue? And lastly does anyone have any tips on how to get my BS2 working again? Thanks in advance!
I have been working on several projects with my BS2 until recently, it stopped working all of the sudden. When I now connect the BS2 using a serial to usb cable (that works with my BS1) on the board of education, the computer can no longer identify it. I have gone through all of the troubleshooting points that parallax posts on their website with no luck. Nothing appears/smells to have burnt out and the connections all seem solid. Does anyone know of any other forum(s) that look at this problem? Has anyone else run into this issue? And lastly does anyone have any tips on how to get my BS2 working again? Thanks in advance!
I know this is a silly question, but I'm even guilty of this one... have you checked your battery?
When·you do a Run-->Identify, do you get a Loopback indication?
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I have tried multiple power supplies, the board says that it is rated for 6-30VDC, one power supply is 12VDC and the other 18VDC. And yes I get a Loopback and Echo indication.
Can you measure the voltage on the BS2 on pins 24 (VIN) and pin 21 (VDD) with respect to VSS (<-- Pin 23 or pin 4)
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
The VIN should read the same voltage level as your power supply,·at least·6·Volts or more.
The VDD should be right at 5 Volts, indicating that the internal voltage regulator on the BS2 is working properly.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
The Super_Carrier's regulator is 5V and, according to the schematic I'm looking at, it provides VDD for the Stamp.· The Stamp's VIN is not connected.
The RevC BoE, on the other hand,·takes VIN for the Stamp's own on-board regulator, but the Stamp's VDD is not connected to the BoE's VDD (they're separate.)
So, what board are you using?·
- Stephen