sending data to pc over a serial to usb cable
how can you you send data to the pc over usb, i just need to send data that the compass outputs and then send that to a program on the pc????
thanks for any help
thanks for any help
On the PC, you'll need a program to open the serial port and read the data you send to it. Have a look at StampPlot Pro ( which can write received data to a log file for processing later.
this is for vb6 (in my opinion easier to use) but if you download the example, open it with VB 08 or 05 express and it will convert it for you.
thx for the answers though
This allows you to read the data directly into Excel and was designed to work over a serial connection. A typical command to send data would look like:
··········· SEROUT BT_TX,84,[noparse][[/noparse]"DATA,TIME,Scanning,",
··········· DEC Ping_Position,",",DEC Heading,",",
··········· DEC Bearing,",",DEC Max_Range,",",
··········· DEC Range,",",BIN Obsticle,",",
··········· SDEC x,",",SDEC y, CR]
The DATA keyword begins the transfer and is required.
The TIME keyword loads the first column with the PC's time.
The remaining comma separated items in the set demark either text to put in a column (eg "Scanning" as shown above, or formatted data.
The above example was from my robot and was sending among other things data from the compass module.