setting up a 2nd serial port on the stamp Basic II
Basically, for my college project i need to have my stamp connected to my pc and be able to send an sms with·a modem (wavecom 1206B). For this i need the basic serial setup to my pc and another serial port for my modem. So i need to know can you have 2 serial ports on the stamp. ·Can this be done using the stamp alone or do i need additional hardware.
Any help or links to some useful sites would be brilliant.
Cheers Niall
Any help or links to some useful sites would be brilliant.
Cheers Niall
In fact, all 16 I/O pins, AND the Programming Port, can recieve serial data. But there's a catch.
"Normal" UART chips run "in the background", taking data and interrupting the 'main processor' when there's data to take. The BS2 uses a 'bit-banging' algorithm to recieve serial data, which means it has to be WAITING in a SERIN statement to recieve serial data. There IS no 'background UART' hardware on the BS2 to 'buffer' serial data, so if it isn't waiting in a SERIN statement when serial data arrives, the data is ignored.
And it's a single-tasking processor, so it can only 'wait' on one I/O pin at a time. Bummer.
There's an additional issue, and that is that RS-232 data signalling levels are normally +- 3 to +- 10 volts. So you need a MAX232 (or equivalent) with 4 capacitors (to drive the MAX232 +- voltage supplies) to do this 'level shifting'.
But there's LOTS of inexpensive solutions to both issues.
1. You can add an inexpensive RS-232 recieve buffer chip. Like this one:
For $6.50, this will buffer up to 11 bytes, giving your BS2 some time to do something else while the data is coming in.
2. You can add an inexpensive MAX-232 connector. Like this one:
Note you only need the MAX-232 if you want your BS2 to be able to SEND (SEROUT) data to your serial device. If all you're doing is recieving, a simple 22Kohm series resistor can be used.
1) Only one port can send or receive at a time. This is a general limitation of the Stamps. None of the serial I/O is buffered.
2) You will need some kind of interface circuitry if you're connecting to an RS232 serial port. This can be as simple as a 22K resistor in the receive lead.
If you don't already have it, download the Parallax Basic Stamp Reference Manual and read the chapters on the SERIN / SEROUT statements