feasibility of a power meter with bs2p
Im brand new to basic stamp·and looking for some advice. I have a project for school·where I have·chosen to build a power meter using the bs2p. My idea is to be able to display rms voltage current,·Pavg, S, and pf. I plan to use ADC to bring in voltage and current. I will use the Bs2p to find peak voltage, current.I will find Pavg by multiplying the instantaneous v and I and dividing by time. The freq is 60Hz. Is the Bsp2 capable of doing this? Is there too much of a delay and is it fast enough for what I want to do? Any comments or ideas on the implementation would be appreciated.······ thanks.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 9/29/2007 1:07:40 AM GMT
- Stephen
Oh, yes, it's the wonderful world of E-L-I &·I-C-E: P-F-C.