The appmod header is reversed on the bs2p24/40 Demo Board. WARNING!
On all the other development boards I have used, the board when inserted faces the breadboard, or "inward".· On the BS2p24/40 board, the board when plugged in faces the opposite direction?!?
I just burned up my EB500.·Transfered a project from a boebot board to a bs2p24/40 board.· I never noticed the appmod header is reversed on this board.
It seems like it should be the other way; or am I crazy?
Post Edited (neoteric) : 9/21/2007 9:28:40 PM GMT
I just burned up my EB500.·Transfered a project from a boebot board to a bs2p24/40 board.· I never noticed the appmod header is reversed on this board.
It seems like it should be the other way; or am I crazy?
Post Edited (neoteric) : 9/21/2007 9:28:40 PM GMT
Was an easy mistake for me to make, though.· I was not complaining.· I was explaining for prosperity, anyone else who might make the same mistake.· But it does seem backwards to all the other boards, no?
Post Edited (neoteric) : 9/21/2007 11:58:10 PM GMT
Let this be a lesson to all of the "prosperity" out there.