Hi, I just got a Basic Stamp HomeWork board, set it up, plugged it in, and under COM1 (the port it was plugged into), all it said was "can't open port; in use". I tried again with my other computer, and it displayed "can't open port," without saying in use. I read through the troubleshooting section on the book, but the only thing that I can think might be wrong is where it says "Disable any palmtop communication software". I don't really know what this is, or how to disable it, but everything else seems fine. Can you help? Thanks. I'm running XP Pro, by the way.
Type in devmgmt.msc
Do you see more than 1 com port? do you see any com port? do you have a builit modem?
Have Fun
Post Edited (TechnoRobbo) : 9/15/2007 1:15:19 AM GMT
A message like, “Can’t Open Port; In Use” indicates some other process already has access to the COM Port. This is usually Palm-Pilot/PDA software such as Active-Sync/Hot-Sync which should be disabled. The second message would indicate you’re trying to open a port which doesn’t exist. Definitely check the Device Manager for COM Port entries and make sure that those entries are listed in the available ports in the BASIC Stamp Editor. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support