Using GPS Module
I'm new to BS2 projects, and have setup the BS2px to work with the GPS module. I'm using the program code from the GPS manual and the first function Get_Info doesn't work, it gets no response. I've tried different I/O pins on the BS2 and modified the code, no difference. The GPS seems to be working fine because the manual says the LED flashes until it acquires satellites, then says solid. This happens upon power up. Has anyone used the GPS module and can give me some pointers? Thanks!
Secondly, the interfacing of GPS with stamp. Their interfacing needs a twisted pair of wires because generally, the RS232 of gps transmits on pin 2 and recieves on pin3, which is the other way round for the general RS232 pin config.
Thirdly, may be data rate.
These are the problems i experienced with my Garmin GPS-Basic stamp.
Suman Sadhu.
Try different baud rates..I got mine working at 4800 Baud
A few lines down you can make a change here to correct the time:
Info on how to set the baud mode for the different types of BS2s is in the editor help file under SEROUT, there is also a way to do it with "conditional compilation".
- Rick
Post Edited (RDL2004) : 9/13/2007 11:40:14 PM GMT