problems with repeat and quit

i have a problem in my program.
-> in repeat
··· -> the whohle repeat-statement stopped
········if the littlest value is stopped
PUB ElbowServo3
· .................
· ............
· if ticks3 == 4
ShoulderServo1 = stopped
ShoulderServo2 = stopped
have somebody a solutions for this problem????
all help is welcome
attachment: LegSequencer.spin
part of the program:
PUB Main
· Init
· cognew(ShoulderServo1,@cogStack1)
· cognew(ShoulderServo2,@cogStack2)
· cognew(ElbowServo3,@cogStack3)
· zeroPosition
· repeat
··· ShoulderServo1
··· if ticks1 == 96
····· QUIT
··· ShoulderServo2
··· if ticks2 == 64
····· QUIT
··· ElbowServo3
··· if ticks3 == 4
····· QUIT
PUB ShoulderServo1· ' generate servopulse· Servo1
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]2]~~
· waitcnt (timebase += pulsetime1)
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]2]~
· pulsetime1 += (clkfreq / 100_000)
· new_periode1 := periode1 - pulsetime1
· waitcnt (timebase += new_periode1)
· ticks1++
PUB ShoulderServo2··· ' generate servopulse· Servo2
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]3]~~···········································
· waitcnt (timebase += pulsetime2)
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]3]~
· pulsetime2 += (clkfreq /·100_000)
· new_periode2 := periode2 - pulsetime2
· waitcnt (timebase += new_periode2)
· ticks2++
PUB ElbowServo3·· ' generate servopulse· Servo3
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]4]~~···········································
· waitcnt (timebase += pulsetime3)
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]4]~
· pulsetime3 -= (clkfreq / 100_000)····
· new_periode3 := periode3 - pulsetime3···················
· waitcnt (timebase += new_periode3)···········
· ticks3++
i have a problem in my program.
-> in repeat
··· -> the whohle repeat-statement stopped
········if the littlest value is stopped
PUB ElbowServo3
· .................
· ............
· if ticks3 == 4
ShoulderServo1 = stopped
ShoulderServo2 = stopped
have somebody a solutions for this problem????
all help is welcome
attachment: LegSequencer.spin
part of the program:
PUB Main
· Init
· cognew(ShoulderServo1,@cogStack1)
· cognew(ShoulderServo2,@cogStack2)
· cognew(ElbowServo3,@cogStack3)
· zeroPosition
· repeat
··· ShoulderServo1
··· if ticks1 == 96
····· QUIT
··· ShoulderServo2
··· if ticks2 == 64
····· QUIT
··· ElbowServo3
··· if ticks3 == 4
····· QUIT
PUB ShoulderServo1· ' generate servopulse· Servo1
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]2]~~
· waitcnt (timebase += pulsetime1)
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]2]~
· pulsetime1 += (clkfreq / 100_000)
· new_periode1 := periode1 - pulsetime1
· waitcnt (timebase += new_periode1)
· ticks1++
PUB ShoulderServo2··· ' generate servopulse· Servo2
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]3]~~···········································
· waitcnt (timebase += pulsetime2)
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]3]~
· pulsetime2 += (clkfreq /·100_000)
· new_periode2 := periode2 - pulsetime2
· waitcnt (timebase += new_periode2)
· ticks2++
PUB ElbowServo3·· ' generate servopulse· Servo3
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]4]~~···········································
· waitcnt (timebase += pulsetime3)
· outa[noparse][[/noparse]4]~
· pulsetime3 -= (clkfreq / 100_000)····
· new_periode3 := periode3 - pulsetime3···················
· waitcnt (timebase += new_periode3)···········
· ticks3++
Nomad, I am not sure what you expect to happen here.· Effectively, with the three IF statements·and QUITs, if ticks1 == 96 OR ticks2 == 64 OR ticks3 == 4, then the entire REPEAT loop will stop.· That is the way it is supposed to work.
I am not sure why you are kicking off these three methods to thier own cogs when each method only runs once and then stops.· Usually when something is launched in a new cog, it is something that runs continously by itself until it's job is done.
Later, in your main routine, you run these methods again.· I would think it is bad form to run a method in a new cog and also run it in your main routine.· I think you·are misunderstanding how new cogs are most effectively used.· Perhaps you mean to do something more like this:
This way, each cog runs a method that moves the servo to a specific spot and then stops.· The main routine really just does the initialization and then lauches the three cogs which move the three parts of the arms simultanously and independently.
Stan Dobrowski
Post Edited (Stan671) : 2/27/2007 4:50:31 PM GMT
I think you have to back up and think about what you're trying to do overall. This is way too complicated for what you're probably trying to do.
Have you considered using one of the servo control objects in the Propeller Object Exchange? The Servo32 object will handle the control of up to 32 servos and let the rest of your program deal with the higher level control issues.
I don't know anything about the object Mike mentioned...but they should be able to handle simultaneous moves, but I'm not sure.
James L
Both the Servo32 (in assembly) and Servo4 (in Spin) objects do essentially simultaneous movement. There may be some microseconds difference in time between the servo control pulses for each servo, but servo response time is on the order of milliseconds.
thanks verry match for all the solutions.
now, i think again and testing the stuff
regards nomad
result of my testings
PUB Main
PUB ShoulderServo1
repeat 96
PUB ShoulderServo2
repeat 64
PUB ElbowServo3
repeat 8
Result: the servos runs one after the other
PUB Main
if ticks1 < 96
if ticks2 < 64
if ticks3 < 8
PUB ShoulderServo1
PUB ShoulderServo2
Pub ElbowServo3
Result: all 3 servos running simultan.
this is what i would.
then i can program more complex and dynamical
when i have the whole sequence of a leg movement then i call back....
thanks for your comment.
look what i want, is that the servos
of the leg move on time (parallel
and 1 servo = 1 cog) running.
yesterday i have construct from
a program with "servo32"
its running but (seriell and only
1 cog).
have you a idea, that i can move
the 3 servos with 3 cogs (with different moveDirections,
speed, and counter) in parallel???
for hints, tips source-snippets
i am grateful.
Lynxmotion Extreme Hepapod III Simple Walking Routine using
Servo32.Spin Object
Chassis & 6 legs:
····························· FRONT
······················· ==================
··········· LEG #1····· |··············· |······ LEG # 2
···· Ankle·· Knee·· Hip |··············· | Hip··· Knee··· Ankle
······················· |··············· |
······················· |··············· |
······················· |··············· |
· _CLKMODE = RCFAST············· ' ex XTAL1 + PLL16X···· 'Set to ext crystal, 16x PLL, 80MHz Clock
'· _XINFREQ = 5_000_000········· ' Frequency on XIN pin is 5 MHz
··· Leg1_Hip·· = 2············ ' Asignment of Servos to Pin Outputs of the Propeller
··· Leg1_Knee· = 3
··· Leg1_Ankle = 4
··· LONG Leg1_Hip_ADJ··············· ' Variables used to fine tune/Adjust the position of every servo
··· LONG Leg1_Knee_ADJ·············· ' It can also be used to vary to vary height of the Hexapod
··· LONG Leg1_Ankle_ADJ············· ' Or shape of the legs during program execution
· SERVO : "Servo32"
PUB Hexapod_III | i
··· Leg1_Hip_ADJ·· :=·· 0·················· ' These values depend of the particular installation of the
··· Leg1_Knee_ADJ· :=· 35·················· ' Servos in every Hexapod... not every servo centers at exactly
··· Leg1_Ankle_ADJ :=· 50·················· ' the same location.. so these values help in adjusting the
··········································· ' center when a 1.5 ms pulse is sent to the servo
··· 'Preset Servo's you want to use to center position
··· SERVO.Set(Leg1_Hip,· 1500 + Leg1_Hip_ADJ)
··· SERVO.Set(Leg1_Knee, 1500 + Leg1_Knee_ADJ)
··· SERVO.Set(Leg1_Ankle,1500 + Leg1_Ankle_ADJ)
··· 'Note: Servo pins that will be used must be preset before running "SERVO.Start".
··· '····· This is because the I/O direction is set here and is only executed
··· '····· at the beginning of "SERVO.Start".· Servo pins that aren't used will remain
··· '····· in their original direction state.
·SERVO.Start········································ 'Start Servo handler
·SERVO.Set(Leg1_Hip, 1650 + Leg1_Hip_ADJ)············ ' Reconfiguration of the Hips for
·· repeat i from 1500 to 900································ ' Raise Legs 1, 3 and 5···········
···· SERVO.Set(Leg1_Knee,······· i + Leg1_Knee_ADJ)
···· waitcnt (10_000 + cnt)
·· repeat i from 1650 to 1350································ ' Move Hips
···· SERVO.Set(Leg1_Hip,········ i + Leg1_Hip_ADJ)
···· waitcnt (20_000 + cnt)
·· repeat i from 1500 to 900································ ' Move Ankle
···· SERVO.Set(Leg1_Ankle,········ i + Leg1_Ankle_ADJ)
···· waitcnt (20_000 + cnt)
·· repeat i from 900 to 1500································· ' Lowering of Legs 1, 3 and 5···
···· SERVO.Set(Leg1_Knee,······· i + Leg1_Knee_ADJ)
···· waitcnt (50_000 + cnt)
·· repeat i from 1650 to 1350································· ' Move Hips···
···· SERVO.Set(Leg1_Hip, 3000· - i + Leg1_Hip_ADJ)
···· waitcnt (20_000 + cnt)
·· repeat i from 900 to 1500································· ' Lowering of Legs 1, 3 and 5···
···· SERVO.Set(Leg1_Ankle,······· i + Leg1_Ankle_ADJ)
···· waitcnt (50_000 + cnt)
here my newest code (from Beau's Servo32_Demo.spin
now its parallel running , but i have (i mean only one cog)?
its possible, that the code can react dynamical on enviroment-datas
(sensorDatas)??? z.B if the Foot have contact with the floor => then
stop the whole stuff).
· Servo32_Demo1.spin
··· PanServo1 = 2
··· PanServo2 = 3
··· PanServo3 = 4
· SERVO : "Servo32"
PUB Servo32_DEMO | temp
··· 'Preset Servo's you want to use to center position
··· SERVO.Set(PanServo1,1500)
··· SERVO.Set(PanServo2,1500)
··· SERVO.Set(PanServo3,1500)
··· SERVO.Start········································ 'Start Servo handler
··· repeat
··· repeat temp from 1000 to 2000
····· waitcnt (cnt+125_000)
····· SERVO.Set(PanServo1,temp)
····· SERVO.Set(PanServo2,temp)
····· SERVO.Set(PanServo3,3000-temp)