Beware Windows Update
For the second time this month, I was running an extended test on my demo board and came back to find
the board had reset (and killed the test).
I've figured out what caused it. The PC it was connected to has Windows Update enabled and it
automatically downloads and installs updates, some of which cause a reboot.
The reboot also resets the propeller through the USB cable.
Something to be aware of! Either disconnect that USB cable from the demo board if you're gonna run a
long test, or disable Windows Update.
the board had reset (and killed the test).
I've figured out what caused it. The PC it was connected to has Windows Update enabled and it
automatically downloads and installs updates, some of which cause a reboot.
The reboot also resets the propeller through the USB cable.
Something to be aware of! Either disconnect that USB cable from the demo board if you're gonna run a
long test, or disable Windows Update.
Yip - had a laptop connected via a USB to serial device to a project with a serial programming circuit (max232) - boot the laptop and it resets the circuit when the devices are found during boot (laptop has a USB to serial connection) also plugging in·and out other USB devices·has caused this too ....
Post Edited (QuattroRS4) : 2/17/2007 8:09:11 PM GMT
Post Edited (QuattroRS4) : 2/17/2007 8:24:09 PM GMT
MS did think of that. Office has had autosave/recovery for years. So does Visual Studio, but that might be VisualAssist's doing, I don't remember [noparse];)[/noparse]
Just wondering why VB6 at work - it is supported no longer by MS ?
'Necessity is the mother of invention'
Have you ever noticed how often people's full-screen power point presentations get kicked out of full screen mode in the middle of someone's presentation because Windows felt it had to interrupt for a stupid pop up message? And how many times have you seen someone trying to present a PDF file to a meeting only to have Adobe Acrobat continually interrupt asking you to download updates that you simply don't need? Am I the only one who feels this looks terribly unprofessional? I mean, would you put up with it if you went to a movie theater and the movie kept getting interrupted by the digital video player's software asking the operator to confirm a dialog box while the movie is playing? Yet Windows thinks it's perfectly fine to interrupt presentations this way.
Edit: P.S. I'm sure gamers are sick of having their games interrupted this way too (sometimes causing the game to crash, even).
Who says you have to have knowledge to use it?
I've killed a fly with my bare mind.