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Need to do serial comms 8 E 1 ( 8 bit even parity 4800 BPS) — Parallax Forums

Need to do serial comms 8 E 1 ( 8 bit even parity 4800 BPS)

OzStampOzStamp Posts: 377
edited 2007-01-13 14:40 in Propeller 1
Hi All.

has anybody done any serial comms with setting 8 bits·· Even Parity 1 stop bit.
Baudrate 4800

Does the serial object from Parallax support that format ( 8 bit even parity ..)

Ronald Nollet


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-01-13 14:40
    The serial objects handle 8 bits at any of the Baud rates up to 19200. The FullDuplexSerial object handles Bauds to about 230K. They mostly transmit 2 stop bits which anything will receive and will receive 1 or 2 (there's functionally little difference). None of them handle parity for you. You'll have to compute it yourself which is easy for transmitting and (usually) ignore it when receiving.
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