Propeller Tool locks on bootup
Running WIN 2K.· Yesterday (11 Jan 07) Propeller Tool worked ok, today it locks up on·startup with the following message:·
Access violation at address 70A4100 in module "SHLWAPI.DLL.· Read of address 019A4000.
The file 'SHLWAPI.DLL' is called the 'shell light-weight utility library'.
On 11 Jan 07 I received·an automatic update from Microsoft of the following:
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - January 2007 (KB890830)
Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (KB929969)
Anyone else experiencing problems?
Richard in Michigan
Access violation at address 70A4100 in module "SHLWAPI.DLL.· Read of address 019A4000.
The file 'SHLWAPI.DLL' is called the 'shell light-weight utility library'.
On 11 Jan 07 I received·an automatic update from Microsoft of the following:
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - January 2007 (KB890830)
Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (KB929969)
Anyone else experiencing problems?
Richard in Michigan
Downloading the 1.02 version of Propeller Tool in this thread seemed to fix the problem for some people:
(It's part of the 800k post in the first message of the thread.)
Good luck!
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Best Regards....
Richard in Michigan