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SimpleLan only 29.99! — Parallax Forums

SimpleLan only 29.99!

bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
edited 2007-01-06 20:19 in Propeller 1

I am writing the object and test·for the prop in spin now.. I'll post after some testing.


  • BEEPBEEP Posts: 58
    edited 2006-12-29 23:36
    Interesting, waiting for the report smile.gif

    An AVR microcontroller based Ethernet device
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2006-12-30 16:25
    I have the basic interface code now, but waiting on delivery of the device to see if it works. This propeller chip·is awsome.

    FYI, I have a Bass Tournament to get ready for, so It might be a while...

  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-01-06 17:44
    ok this thing is great as a web server, but the udp was a pain to figure out...· here is a test app and vb code and a spin for the udp part. the web stuff is simple enough for anyone. The main issues with the udp was that your incomming data overwrites the same variable that your outgoing data is in, so as you can tell from the example vb app, if you enter in too quickly a message, it becomes your response, so, it will require an interesting protocol to make it work flawlessly.

    The basic out of box (kind-of) web server is running on·so your welcome to look at it, it is slower because its also sending udp messages every 500ms.

    Sean Rohde
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-01-06 17:56
    I also opened up the udp port on my router for those that do not have a simplelan. use the vb code and use as the ip... Ill leave it running while i solder a protoboard together. All you will get is got it back, but I will see your messages on my monitor.
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-01-06 18:06
    Correction, Ill see what you send, but you might not get a response, I can not find out how to read the ip to send back to yet, I know it must be possible, but not documented.
  • bassmasterbassmaster Posts: 181
    edited 2007-01-06 18:25
    I saw a test, testtest.... , so its working...
  • ForrestForrest Posts: 1,341
    edited 2007-01-06 20:19
    Works great - thanks
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