sorry to sound hopeless, but i'm new starting out with i2c, and need a little help with my motor controller...
can someone give me some sample code to read and then to write to a register on this controller: http://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/htm/md23tech.htm?
I looked at some of the objects... but a lot of it just looks like gobbledygook cause i don't know what the terms mean.
Thanks for any help...
can someone give me some sample code to read and then to write to a register on this controller: http://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/htm/md23tech.htm?
I looked at some of the objects... but a lot of it just looks like gobbledygook cause i don't know what the terms mean.
Thanks for any help...
Post a list of the terms you don't understand or what you think they mean and we'll try to explain them for you.
On the robot-electronics examples page, I also have Javalin Stamp and there is basic stamp examples which might help.
again, thanks for the help!
How/where can I find the <I2C funcions archive>
"Have a look at the MCP23016Object.spin file in the I2C functions archive"
Regards, Goran