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extra SX/B system code... use or remove? — Parallax Forums

extra SX/B system code... use or remove?

verobelverobel Posts: 81
edited 2007-01-05 01:09 in General Discussion
Fellow SXers;

I have been slowly learning SX assembler and SX/B over the last few weeks, following 2 books by Al Williams and Gunther Daubach.. My goal·is to transfer Robot1 and Speedo1 basic stamp programs to SX28. My initial attempts both failed.. although I was able to get Robot1 compiled in SX/B..but didn't know enough to figure out what was wrong.. so I backtracked and started reading the 2 books and many Nuts&Volts articles by Jon Williams. There is alot of ground to cover but fortunately lots of support in text.

I got to pg. 75· Unit 5 and have piezo tones coming out using Program5.1 but then got stuck on similar tone gen. program on pg. 75 in SX/B: my File Prog5d2.SXB. Initially it would not compile because I didn't release _PARAM1 has two underscores. I also could not compile because the IDE would not open a file called Prog5.2.SXB.. works ok with Prog5d2.SXB. Now it compiles but doesn't 'play the music' I've been trying to figure out why.. so I debug/step thru that auto generated code.. and see alot of stuff.. like system param setup (30 lines), system initialize·(35 lines), and expansion code for for-next loops, lookup, gosub.. which brings me to the questions..

I have backed up to easier·sample program (by parallax)·Toggle.SXB example (to keep it simple) does:
· DO
··· PAUSE BlinkDelay··························· ' delay
··· TOGGLE AlarmLed···························· ' toggle LED state

which assembles to (only lines of interest shown):

· 140· 0037· 0CFA······· MOV __PARAM2,#250············· ;··· PAUSE BlinkDelay··························· ' delay
······· 0038· 0029
·· 141· 0039· 0C04······· MOV __PARAM3,#4··············
······· 003A· 002A
·· 142· 003B· 0C1C······· MOV __PARAM4,#28·············
······· 003C· 002B
·· 143· 003D· 02EB······· DJNZ __PARAM4,@$·············
······· 003E· 0010 0A3D
·· 144· 0040· 02EA······· DJNZ __PARAM3,@$-3···········
······· 0041· 0010 0A3D
·· 145· 0043· 02E9······· DJNZ __PARAM2,@$-10··········
······· 0044· 0010 0A39
·· 146·················
·· 147· 0046· 0CFB······· MOV FSR,#__TRISB·············· ;··· TOGGLE AlarmLed···························· ' toggle LED state
······· 0047· 0024
·· 148· 0048· 0420······· CLRB IND.1···················
·· 149· 0049· 005F······· MODE $0F·····················
·· 150· 004A· 0200······· MOV !RB,IND··················
······· 004B· 0006
·· 151· 004C· 0018······· BANK $00·····················
·· 152· 004D· 0C02······· XOR RB,#%00000010············
······· 004E· 01A6
·· 153·················
·· 154· 004F· 0010······· JMP @__DO_1··················· ;· LOOP······································· ' loop forever
······· 0050· 0A37
·· 155· =00000051······ __LOOP_1:

·so I was stepping thru and thinking I am calling a·PAUSE routine·with 1 param: blinkdelay··but the code·looks like it is working with 3 params ( line 141-145) and it loops quite a bit in there (needlessly?) this really necessary.. or how does this work?

·I can see how the toggle works and the DO LOOP.

·Perhaps someone could explain a bit more about what the intialize code does and when and if it can be dropped.. or for·that matter, how it could be dropped? Then·a similar explanation for subroutine pass code would be nice. This program (above) works.. I'm just trying to understand what is going on.. so when I look back at the bigger program for tone display.. I can sort out subrt, lookup, pause, and toggle code.. in an effort to figure out why it is not working. I have attached a copy of Prog5d2.SXB·..perhaps someone could scan that too, to·spot any obvious problems.. I might have·done a typo.

Thanks all. John·······


  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2007-01-04 23:05
    ·Try this...

    ' Prog5.2 SXB  tone player pg 75
    ' JWB Jan 4,2007
    FREQ 4000000
    i VAR Byte
    j VAR Byte
    k VAR Byte
    note VAR Byte
    tone VAR Byte
    spkr PIN RB.7 OUTPUT ' Make speaker output
    NOTES CON 3 ' maximum note number
    PROGRAM Start NOSTARTUP ' Don't generate startup code
     spkr=0 ' state of speaker
     for i=0 to NOTES
      LOOKUP i,1,3,2,1,note ' get quasi-note
      gosub beep, note
      pause 500  ' pause between notes
     next i
     pause 10000   ' let your ears rest
     goto top
    ' subroutine makes 200 cycles at the specified note
    ' note*256uS 1/2 period
     for j=1 to 20
       for k=1 to 100
         spkr = ~spkr ' toggle Speaker
         pauseus 0,tone
       next k
     next j

    All the loops in the assembly is how to make a PAUSE in assembly.


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    "USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population." - David Letterman
  • verobelverobel Posts: 81
    edited 2007-01-05 00:46
    Thanks Bean.. that was fast and it worked nicely.. I noticed an extra word OUTPUT in this line that gave a compile error on DEBUG. Works ok when commented out.

    spkr PIN RB.0 'OUTPUT ' Make speaker output

    I also noticed the NOSTARTUP cleared out a lot of assembly code
    I also notice you removed 'toggle spkr' in favor of spkr = ~spkr

    movin' on, John
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2007-01-05 01:09
    Are you using the latest compiler ? If you look at the top of the listing it will show the compiler version. The latest is 1.51.03.

    You can download the latest version from here:

    Unzip the file and copy the files to C:\Program Files\Parallax Inc\SX-Key v3.2.3\Compilers\SXB
    Overwrite the existing files.


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger
    SX-Video Display Modules
    Stuff I'm selling on ebay

    "USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population." - David Letterman

    Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 1/5/2007 1:14:29 AM GMT
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