Minimum deskspace demoboard solution

This is my new demoboard rig, its smaller and better than my old one and takes up no space on my desk, it also runs from a single 12v supply. The screen was stripped down as per my recent thread and then mounted in the simple MDF box. Its just three pieces of wood and a few screws, I discovered that matt black spray paint puts a great finish on MDF in seconds and dries almost as quickly. At the moment the 5v for the screen is comming off the demoboard in future it will have its own LDO regulator.

That's a compact, attractive 'packaging' job. I've been reading all the posts on the heat reduction tasks. LCD might be low power, but doesn't emit light as does a CRT. So gotta have those LEDs sucking power for the light output.
Harley Shanko
h.a.s. designn
Nice design. I like it alot.
Have you built a top for the box, to make it easily transportable?
Jim C
Actually I suspect some watch/jewlery cases might be big enough to be ready made portable systems.
I've pretty much finished a larger version for use with a solder-less breadboard or the soon to be released project boards, that one has a 7" screen, will post that soon.
I like it!
The larger unit is finished, I'm very pleased with it but my internets were not working at home last night so it will have to wait until tonight for posting pics.
Now looking a lot smarter, the LCD is getting its 5v from a regulator under the hood and the power and video connections to the demoboard are made on the bottom of the PCB.
Yep, I'm finally ready for the Christmas holidays!
By the way, awesome work there. How did you make the connections on the bottom of the PC? Did you just
solder wires to the pads, or did you put on headers or something?
I just soldered wires to the pads, they are huge so no problems there, make the holes in the box nice and big to make alignment easy.