Project idea-want feedback and-or sugg.

I'm not sure if I should leave this here or put it in the Sandbox, so here it is.
··· I am designing a model railroad controller that uses the Propeller as a brain. It will control everthing-right down to the power supplied to the trains.
··· The interface will consist of a VGA monitor and PS/2 keyboard. The monitor will give all nesessary info on what's going on(i.e., speed, switch config, idiv. train info, etc.).
····The interface should be easy to use. I will post the control commands later.
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own!"
Adam Savage, Mythbusters
··· I am designing a model railroad controller that uses the Propeller as a brain. It will control everthing-right down to the power supplied to the trains.
··· The interface will consist of a VGA monitor and PS/2 keyboard. The monitor will give all nesessary info on what's going on(i.e., speed, switch config, idiv. train info, etc.).
····The interface should be easy to use. I will post the control commands later.
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own!"
Adam Savage, Mythbusters
Seperate boosters, one for programming?
Autoreverse loops?
Pull a mouse apart to get three encoders for 3 loco throttles?
Touch screen VGA
Could be interesting, should be easy to use waitcnt to generate the 10khz pulse train.
Too many things to do, not enough time.
What is DCC? (Haven't worked with this stuff before.)
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own!"
Adam Savage, Mythbusters
What I have done so far, take two identical mice (logitech);·cut off the infrared emitter/receiver sensor assemblies for both X and Y axis·with a dremel tool, reconnect the assembly to the remaining working mouse with 10 inch wire, print 36 and 72 tines wheel encoders on transparency sheet, hook it to a cordless drilling tool (not high RPM)· and then connect the mouse to the Propeller and run mouse.spin· and show on the TV constant readings of delta_y· / delta_x;· not high tech but I think if proofs the idea·
One final note is that the Z-Axis (the Scroll Button)· does not seem to·have the same resolution as the Y or X axis, at least on cheaper Logitech mice, you need to check the Mouse IC Controller Datasheet for the particular mouse you are using, however, for low speed motors it should still be fine, or you will have to create wheel encoders with less tines...
I hope this helps....
Post Edited (Joe "Bot" Red) : 12/12/2006 6:21:40 PM GMT
Cool stuff.
Little Machine Shop actually sells CNC type jog wheels.
Wonder if it is compataible to the mouse hardware?
Mini numerical keypad, nice box and I have a manual cnc pendant.
mouse Z axis is normally a little switch make/break type, not optical, could be converted to optical?
DCC - Digital Command Control, what most modeltrain guys use for digital train control.
About the Z-Axis (Scroll Wheel)··you are right about the some mice using switches... but look in that squematic again... it shows that it also supports infrared sensors.. in·fact..·the·old mice I am using (logitech 2-button with scroll wheel)· uses infrared sensors for the scroll wheel...· :-)
But the particular issue with the Z Axis is that the time gap between phase A phase B· in order to detect the pulse is much longer than the X and Z axis....· look at the "HT82M398A Photo-Coupler Timing Diagrams.jpg"·· the bottom note states that Z axis·requires a much longer·time gap between the raise of pulses in phase A and B compared to the other axis... that definitely affects maximum measurable RPM·of the motor and the number of tines per wheel...
Perhaps if you are interested in making the Jog Wheel yourself..· here is an idea...·
I hope this helps... I wish I had more time for this mouse hack.. but I am working on giving my Lynxmotion Extreme Hexapod III a brain based on my beautiful Propeller Chip.... :-)