Just out of curiosity,·where is Parallax advertising the Hydra? Or is Parallax going to wait until they have beefier supplies so they don't sell out it?
The advertising consists of ads in magazines which will take a month or so to trickle out, then they are doing press releases, and of course all their distributors are getting notified, so its a process. But, there is no waiting it started last friday and will continue.
Plus, we have elves and gnomes working around the clock shipping the HYDRAs out [noparse]:)[/noparse] They have tiny hands and are good at stuffing electronics into boxes!
Try the buyer at F.A.O. Schwartz Toy Store in NYC.
It they will carry it for Christmas, you will find it easy to sell it to Macys* and so on.
Even if you only have it in F.A.O. Schwartz this year, it will legitamized it as an item for all the major toy stores.
Toy's R Us has a whole gamer section here in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
I think the BoE Bot belongs their too.
Don't be afraid to think volume.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
···················· Tropical regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
I've been sightseeing in NYX and stopped at FAO, not to buy, but to look around. Everything was QUITE expensive, but unique. For Example, a monopoly game with real solid gold peices, custom wooden box etc for $50_000 or something like that. Not everything is unique and one of a kind, but everything is marked up substantially. But I bet they could sell Hydra's. I've always liked the way a Hydra looks, the color scheme really sets it off.
Hmmm, I have never been there, but heard of it, the buyer probably wouldn't have any interest unless the store has educational products, robotics etc. this is not an iPod and every consumer on the planet wants it. Its a game dev kit for education and entertainment. Plus some stores want ridiculous margins which are hard to do with educational products that are not manufactured in the 100K units. But, stores we will target for certain are radio shack, gamestop, eBoutique etc. But, we are open to all ideas (as long as they are good ones [noparse]:)[/noparse]
FAO is not your typical mass merchandiser (as eluded to above). The BOE bot probably wouldn't go there because it is too "mundane". Something like a Hex crawlwer, or maybe even the toddler might be another story. They like things that are unique, and/or hard to find, and expensive They are not above selling an item that is available elsewhere at $250 for $500 (or even $1000). The people shopping there are generally not worried about the price. (Kind of like, if you have to ask...).
If they feel the "upwardly mobile" crowd would be interested in having a game console they could program, this could be something they go after, and will probably set their margin based on your cost to them, and what they think the market will bear.
Hmm, well then that does sound like some our marketing person should look into, I will make sure to forward her the idea. Of course, making deals with stores is such a loooooooooooongggg process, its hard to describe unless you ever did it, like a root canal that lasts for months. When I used to publish games, I spent 90% of my life making distro deals for software. Hardware is so much harder since the margin is so low. With software, I didn't care about giving away a 50-60% margin since the whole thing was $3 for box & CD. But, with hardware its ... well "hard" [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Not to my knowledge Parallax has not contacted them, but you're right, the HYDRA would be perfect there. However, I did put them on a list of "potentials" that Parallax's marketing/sales should pitch with the HYDRA since its a commercial crossover product and can be sold in venues like ThinkGeek for sure.
Ken Gracey
It they will carry it for Christmas, you will find it easy to sell it to Macys* and so on.
Even if you only have it in F.A.O. Schwartz this year, it will legitamized it as an item for all the major toy stores.
Toy's R Us has a whole gamer section here in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
I think the BoE Bot belongs their too.
Don't be afraid to think volume.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
If they feel the "upwardly mobile" crowd would be interested in having a game console they could program, this could be something they go after, and will probably set their margin based on your cost to them, and what they think the market will bear.
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
They do sell a pong game kit and some other unique electronic devices.