Memory addressing using RDLONG/WRLONG or MOVD and/or MOVS on MOV in ASSEMBLY.
Could·someone please confirm that these types of·instructions require a byte-based address that is divisible by four (two LSBs clear).
Is this true in every case?
Is this true in every case?
I have nearly finished a simple ASSEMBLY string object.· It is used in my embedded application to parse serial commands.· It copies strings from main RAM to COG ram, then performs·the required·operation and returns the result to main RAM.· So far these functions are supported.· I want to test·it·out more extensively before·posting it.
Len (Similar to STRSIZE), Append (ADD), Copy, Left, Right, Mid, and Instr.· The·latter four basically perform the same·function·as·VB.· I will probably also add Ucase, LCase, and Replace.· If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.
And·now knowing that·COG ram is referred to by·long word address -·the·scratchpad is 4 times as·large.· The code works, but I suppose I never tested string combinations·256 bytes in length.