Too much for our tiny minds to handle

Yep, that's my conclusion the propeller along with add-ons like the Vinculum chips/modules are too much for at least my tiny mind to handle.
Don't get me wrong, they are very usable once you slide up the learning curve a bit but the applications, that's what blows my mind.
We all know that it is possible to build a super cool analysis tool with the propeller, bode plots have been done, some work on a scope has been done, logic analysis has been done, there is interest in FFT so spectrum analysis could be done. With the OS even if you can't put it in one program you could switch between programs or heck you could have multiple eproms and a rotary switch! Wow, multifunction test equipment with TV/VGA for next to nothing.
Then there is Phil's stuff with his propcam, wow have you seen the motion tracking? You can do machine vision, machine control, optical flow control of flying robots.
Then there is the vocal tract stuff by Chip, wow voice on your propeller
Add all this Forth stuff that I don't even fully grasp the power of and I'm melting.
It seems there are more potential cool apps then I can even imagine, its hard to know where to start but there is definitely a feeling that if you can find the time to sit in front of this bit of silicon you can do anything.
Just had to share my renewed excitement
Don't get me wrong, they are very usable once you slide up the learning curve a bit but the applications, that's what blows my mind.
We all know that it is possible to build a super cool analysis tool with the propeller, bode plots have been done, some work on a scope has been done, logic analysis has been done, there is interest in FFT so spectrum analysis could be done. With the OS even if you can't put it in one program you could switch between programs or heck you could have multiple eproms and a rotary switch! Wow, multifunction test equipment with TV/VGA for next to nothing.
Then there is Phil's stuff with his propcam, wow have you seen the motion tracking? You can do machine vision, machine control, optical flow control of flying robots.
Then there is the vocal tract stuff by Chip, wow voice on your propeller
Add all this Forth stuff that I don't even fully grasp the power of and I'm melting.
It seems there are more potential cool apps then I can even imagine, its hard to know where to start but there is definitely a feeling that if you can find the time to sit in front of this bit of silicon you can do anything.
Just had to share my renewed excitement
So Graham, would you say your head is SPINning Ha ha ha..
It is because of Parallax's terrific support that makes using their products so enjoyable. I would like to thank all the members that have been helping me along. Thanks guys.
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"People who are willing to trade their freedom for·security deserve neither and will lose both." Benjamin Franklin
Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 12/6/2006 2:05:04 PM GMT
I have to concur! I used the AtomPro before realizing it couldn't handle my needs. I soon found the Prop, and converted. Since my conversion, I have thought about leaving my profession (ME) to get a degree in EE or Software. It's never going to happen, but I keep thinking about.
These guys have provided a medium of which only the imagination becomes the limit. Top that off with the fact that the current Silicon is going to get even BETTER and more logical to use (version 2), it seems that the field of microcontrollers will spawn some real open-source development in control/video/voice/vision/etc... that could lead us (read, humans) to a whole new level!!!
For now, I just try to keep focused on the TAH, task-at-hand. Similar to child spending the night trapped in a Toys-R-Us, there simply is too much to play with.
To get myself back into things, I've decided that during the evenings next week, I'm going to write a full version of Space Invaders that'll be completely self-contained in a cog.
p.s. I know the pin count probably doesn't quite match but I can dream [noparse]:)[/noparse]
p.p.s I also know space invaders doesn't suit multiplay.
Bean is absolutely right about good support being the bottom line.
Nonetheless, I think many of us are suffering from a huge expansion in the available opportunities to learn through doing. I was ignoring video until the Propeller came along.
Now I have been studying a basic computer graphic text [noparse][[/noparse]Computer Graphics for Designers and Artist by Kerlow and Rosebush] and Andre LaMothe's texts. In the meantime, I continue to try to bring my SX Assembly programing skills up to speed so that I can transfer those to the Propeller one day. Then there is my personal commitment to CANbus that seems to be a near orphan, but intriguing for me.
I keep returning to some reflections that Parallax will eventually have some sort of curriculum structure or outline to lead the way. As it is, I feel that many of us are clustered at various levels but unsure of how to move up or into new areas. While it is all quite exciting, I find myself feeling left behind in certain topics. [noparse][[/noparse]For instance, Finite State Machines fade in and out as a must understand topic.] This is not a complaint by any means. It is intended as an observation and a concern.
I personally believe that it is important to have people feel that they are welcome to join and free to explore; and that all questions are valid while some answers are questionable.
This year I really let Parallax just go ahead without trying to keep up and have waited for publications [noparse][[/noparse]the Propeller Manual and Andre LaMothe's Hydra Manual] rather than try to keep up on a day-to-day basis. It seems to be working well for me and I just hope that Parallax will continue to be as much a publisher as a chip designer. My own fears are that publishing is far more expensive in terms of the revenue it generates and good writers are quite rare.
Still, it is quite wonderful to watch as things are discovered and barriers of a few months ago disappearing [noparse][[/noparse]like Bill Henning's Primatives scheme for allowing more memory and more flexible use of memory with the Propeller]. Generous people are all around. Dedicated people like Guenther have fogive my blunders and forgetfulness unitl the knowledge really sinks in.
In sum, I am still enjoying the ride. And the fellowship. Seems a good time to wish all Happy Holidays.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
And Jon Williams relocated from Texas.
Work is always chaotic, demanding, and tiring. But some get to go home with a smile as well and feel that they had some fun along the way.
In other words, they are not just working hard -- they are playing hard.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Why can't you work from home and still be a Parallax employee?
Is Green a Parallax employee also?
Truly Understand the Fundamentals and the Path will be so much easier...
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 12/9/2006 12:55:46 AM GMT
For instance, when you send somebody out for lattes & scones, how do they get them back to HQ?