VGA problem
Ok, I’m new to this stuff and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
I’ve hooked up a VGA cable according to the demo board diagram
on my very simple breadboard setup. I’ve double checked the pin outs on the
VGA db15 connector for connectivity and they all check ok, I know the monitor works
It’s a standard 15inch Compaq brand, I know pins p16-p23 are working, (I can flash LED’s on each pin).
But when I try to run VGA_TEXT_DEMO.spin, nothing happens, no VIDEO.
I had this working about 3 weeks ago on a different breadboard setup, I’m using
the same VGA cable I used then.
It may be a simple stupid problem, or whatever.
Is pin9 required to be on 5 volts ?
Also, I just plugging each VGA pin to the correct Propeller Pin
i.e –
VGA p16 – p23 with the resistor in the middle.
VGA p5,p6,p7,p8 & p10 go to the 3.3v ground
Do I need to ground each of the prop pins p16-p23 ?
This is ridiculous, I simply don’t know what else to check.
Ok, I’m new to this stuff and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
I’ve hooked up a VGA cable according to the demo board diagram
on my very simple breadboard setup. I’ve double checked the pin outs on the
VGA db15 connector for connectivity and they all check ok, I know the monitor works
It’s a standard 15inch Compaq brand, I know pins p16-p23 are working, (I can flash LED’s on each pin).
But when I try to run VGA_TEXT_DEMO.spin, nothing happens, no VIDEO.
I had this working about 3 weeks ago on a different breadboard setup, I’m using
the same VGA cable I used then.
It may be a simple stupid problem, or whatever.
Is pin9 required to be on 5 volts ?
Also, I just plugging each VGA pin to the correct Propeller Pin
i.e –
VGA p16 – p23 with the resistor in the middle.
VGA p5,p6,p7,p8 & p10 go to the 3.3v ground
Do I need to ground each of the prop pins p16-p23 ?
This is ridiculous, I simply don’t know what else to check.
1- using an ohm meter, check that the resistance is correct from each pin of the propeller socket to the vga connector pin to make sure it is correct
2- write a little program to turn on/off each of the outputs on the propeller, and measure the voltages at the output of the connector with a 75ohm load between the pin (r,g,b,vsync,hsync, one at a time) and ground to make sure you are getting a signal in the 0v-1v range
My problem turned out to be a bad RCA connector!
everything shows correct.
p16 - 239ohm
p17 - 238ohm
p18 - 472ohm
p19 - 246ohm
p20 - 463ohm
p21 - 239ohm
p22 - 465ohm
p23 - 239ohm
OK, I did step #2, all the pins (p16-p23) through to the VGA show .8v - 2.0v when I toggle the pins,
with a line of spin code, I also used the 75ohm as you said in the middle.
I also rechecked the grounds, I don't know why this is not working.
What else can I check ?
Do I need the +5v ? I have not hooked that up.
I also made a second connector setup, and it also will not work.
I don't have a scope.
Can someone explane how to test the pins to make sure the chip has not been damaged
in any way ? I have a volt meter, can I use that to verify the chip ? How do I do it ?
I again have double checked the ohms & voltages, and also the grounds comming out of the
VGA female connector, and the monitor DOES work if I hook it up to a computer.
Is this not a simple thing to do ?
Thanks for all the help,
Post Edited (Areal Person) : 12/6/2006 9:58:41 PM GMT
Sid Weaver
Don't have VGA?
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
text : "vga_text"
PUB start | i
'start term
text.str(string(13," VGA Text Demo...",13,13,$C,5," OBJ and VAR require only 2.6KB ",$C,1))
repeat 14
text.out(" ")
repeat i from $0E to $FF
text.str(string($C,6," Uses internal ROM font ",$C,2))
text.hex(i++, 8)
6-7-8-9-10 grounded?
Sid Weaver
Don't have VGA?
I thought pin 9 was +5v ?
I had not hooked that one up before.
But I did hook it to ground now , but it still will not work.
Just eliminating possibilities.
Sid Weaver
Don't have VGA?
Sid Weaver
Don't have VGA?
Yes, pin 1 is top right.
Yes, pin vga13 goes to p17 & vga14 go to p16
I don't know what else to check ?
I heard that there are two sides to a pin, sync ? and what else ?
Is it possiable for an LED to flash from a spin program, but
for the VGA stuff to be damaged in the chip ? is this possiable ?
How can I check the pins on the chip to verify that it is not damaged in some way ?
OK< I'm going to the Diode check on the pin alt to Vss or VDD.
I'm checking the integrity of parasitic diodes from the silicon substrate
"With the positive probe to VSS the port pins read around 420mv. With the ground probe to VDD the port pins read 630mv. The exact reading doesn't matter too much but you should find them in this general range however all the port pins should read much the same, any significant difference probably indicates a breakdown of the substrate." Per Peter Jakacki's instructions.
I'll let you know what I find.
Thanks for the help,
Post Edited (Areal Person) : 12/7/2006 3:47:26 AM GMT
I guess this is ok ?, it's higher that 420mv but there all about the same.
checking VDD to ground and the port pins are reading just under 630mv around 600mv.
Ok, I'll start over from scratch a forth time.
Post Edited (Areal Person) : 12/7/2006 3:41:34 AM GMT
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Sid Weaver
Don't have VGA?
I dont understand what your asking for.
I downloaded the software from this site. It's the propeller tool software bundle
Here the example I'm using the VGA_TEXT_DEOM.SPIN program
It was written by Parallax. Its one of the canned example programs.
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
text : "vga_text"
PUB start | i
'start term
text.str(string(13," VGA Text Demo...",13,13,$C,5," OBJ and VAR require only 2.6KB ",$C,1))
repeat 14
text.out(" ")
repeat i from $0E to $FF
text.str(string($C,6," Uses internal ROM font ",$C,2))
text.hex(i++, 8)
Sid Weaver
Don't have VGA?
I'm just executing that single program. I installed the software directly from the
download without modificaytion. My propeller is on a breadboard
and that's all I'm trying to do is get VGA working, stripped down simple as possiable.
Here’s how I’m hooking the pins up
from the propeller chip to the “VGA” monitor
I simply cannot get the VGA feature to work
vga-p5 –> VSS
vga-p4 –> VSS
resistor groupings
vga-p3 –> 470ohm –> prop-p18
vga-p3 -> 240ohm –> prop-p19
vga-p2-> 470ohm -> prop-p20
vga-p2-> 240ohm –> prop-p21
vga-p1->470ohm –> prop-p23
vga-p1->240ohm –> prop-p24
vga-p10, p9, p8, p7, p6 -> VSS
vga-p15 -> VSS
vga-p14 – 240ohm -> prop-p16
vga-p13 – 470ohm -> prop-p17
vga-p13 – 240ohm -> prop-p18
vga-p12,p11 -> VSS
It's my understanding that it is really simple to hook up VGA ?
I'm using the Propeller Demo Board Rev D Schematic (9-18-06)
for my breadboard setup. The only thing I'm doing different is I'm not applying
5v to pin 9 (I'm grounding everything that does not go to a propeller pin)
I also do not have any LED's on the right side (as the demo board does, and has them grounded also),
I'm just wiring the VGA pin directly to the propeller pin through the correct resistor(s) for that pin.
and I've never put more that 3.3v through the propeller.
I have re done this setup 5-6 times, with fresh VGA cable, I used different
resistors and fresh wiring setup. I used a beadboard and then I soldered a prefboard
setup. I've tryed a different monitor, switched powersupplies. I checked the pins
on the propeller, however, I'm not sure if my readings were ok, I posted them above.
I havent replaced the propeller chip yet, I'm waiting for one to come in
to swap it out.
Thanks for all the help,
The monitor has worked in the past with this setup
Power supply is good.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Could you tell me where the 5v is grounded ?
I had the dumb thing working at one time in the past.
I was not using the p9-5v then. I don't know why this
will not work now. it's not making any sence to me.
I remember on my breadboard I had all my LED's plashing on p16-p23
and I removed them and just plugged in my VGA cable I had cut off
and soldered resistors to, and it just worked so easy without effort [noparse]:([/noparse]
And now, it's like it some kind of very difficult task.
Post Edited (Areal Person) : 12/7/2006 8:31:36 PM GMT
Sid Weaver
Don't have VGA?
vga-p5 –> VSS
vga-p4 –> VSS
resistor groupings
vga-p3 –> 470ohm –> prop-p18
vga-p3 -> 240ohm –> prop-p19
vga-p2-> 470ohm -> prop-p20
vga-p2-> 240ohm –> prop-p21
vga-p1->470ohm –> prop-p22
vga-p1->240ohm –> prop-p23
vga-p10, p9, p8, p7, p6 -> VSS
vga-p15 -> VSS
vga-p14 – 240ohm -> prop-p16
vga-p13 – 240ohm -> prop-p17
vga-p13 – 240ohm -> prop-p18
vga-p12,p11 -> VSS
Also be sure when you refer to prop-pX, you are using Port X not Pin X of the package.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I have specificly rechecked and now have corrected all pinouts to match Pauls instructions.
Still no luck,
It's my understanding that each propeller pin itself does not need to go to ground
as it would if I were flashing LED's . Correct ?
I've ordered a new propeller chip, just in case. Good for me to have spares also [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'm going to try the RCA TV setup tonight at home. (after work)
and try to get that going. I really need to get past this point so I can move on
to a new phase.
P.S. I'm using a standard 15" VGA monitor
Also, is there anyway to verify the VGA signal out of the VGA connector
of my setup while I running a spin program that should be displaying
Text on the monitor, that way maybe I couls find a pin with the wrong/weal/bad signal
and trace it to a specific pin ? How can I do this ?
Could I use a scope ?
Thanks for the help,
Post Edited (Areal Person) : 12/7/2006 10:31:42 PM GMT
it just two hard to get this to work.
I've now tried to hook up the RCA TV jack
and it will not work. I've got 3 resistors
and the RCA plug grounded to 3.3
I've got my sony TV on Video 1
I dont understand why this chip would be bad
I've not abused any at all.
somehow through ESD etc.
It is not a problem with Parallax.
NOTE: I'm updating this thread because some people have sent me private messages
········· asking for the information.
Thanks everyone,
-Areal Person
I have a tree growing out of my head, but
what do you expect ? I'm a programmer.