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uOLED-128 LCD Driver (128x128 pixel, 1.5 inch) — Parallax Forums

uOLED-128 LCD Driver (128x128 pixel, 1.5 inch)

Simon AmplemanSimon Ampleman Posts: 19
edited 2006-11-27 00:29 in Propeller 1
Hi there,

· This is a very nice LCD from Dontronics.

I just received it yesterday, so I made an object to work with it.·I sent it to the object exchange area. But I wanted to start a new post on this LCD so we can further discuss the possibility of this LCD.

You can view all the specifications from their web site so I won't write everything down here...

For someone that want a quick summary :

- 128x128 pixels
- 1.5 inch
- Serial interface - 2 pins to interface (tx, rx)
- 65536 colors
- LCD with Backlight or OLED (no backlight required)
- From 30$ to ~80$ US
-·0 to 8 Megabyte·flash memory

This object will allow you to do every commands possible through the serial interface :

- Erase Screen
- Draw Rectangle, Line, Circle, Pixel, Char, Text
- Copy block of pixel
- Change Font Size
- Change Contrast

Have fun!



  • GavinGavin Posts: 134
    edited 2006-11-26 03:11
    You beat me to it.
    I was thinking the little 96x64 OLED would make a nice wristwatch size pda for a wearable PC.
    Or electronic bill board for modeltrains, one prop could drive lots of little displays.
    Or DRO for cnc controller.

    The ones with flash memory look interesting, could have some programs on the flash, download and run it from ram.

  • Dennis FerronDennis Ferron Posts: 480
    edited 2006-11-26 03:55
    Can the extra flash memory be used for video paging or sprites? I'm thinking hand held game system.
  • Simon AmplemanSimon Ampleman Posts: 19
    edited 2006-11-26 04:15
    The Flash Memory can be used for general storage for your application.

    Also, it can be used to record image, video, icons, and such... since it's controlled using a serial driver, you can also save a script of command to execute at
    a very fast rate and then use the serial command to execute your script in flash memory.

    They have an example of a animated gif in their flash memory demo when you buy the 1 MegaByte model, it's very nice and doesn't flicker at all..

    In my case, I am still only using the serial interface for now at 128000 bauds (maximum allowed) which is perfect for the application I needed it for.

  • Dennis FerronDennis Ferron Posts: 480
    edited 2006-11-26 20:46
    Did you get the breakout board or the bare oLED display? Would it be hard to use the display without the breakout board?
  • BTXBTX Posts: 674
    edited 2006-11-26 22:02
    Very interesting display Simon.

    I was thinking to do the same, with a 1024x768 driver object, plus a·full duplex·serial driver, and then, ·put the propeller board, inside an 15"·LCD to get a stand alone "serial" monitor. ( This is not usefull to show pictures, but very usefull to show information about machines that I'm automating).


  • Simon AmplemanSimon Ampleman Posts: 19
    edited 2006-11-27 00:29
    Denis : I bought the 4d-Micro-OLE-128 at 61.40 US$ + shipping to start with. It's a single unit already fully assembled, I only had to connect the 4 pins header to my breadboard and code it (extremely simple to do and the added hardware is really reliable). If you want the display only, it's really cheaper (36.18 US$) but the problem is the 30 pins 0.5mm pitch cable. You will need some kind of cable connector.. I wanted to start simple so I selected·the easy serial model to see the possibility. However, using the display only, you can achieve faster·result since you'll be in control of the 30 pins directly.·I think they project to use SPI later to have a faster protocol for their Display+BreakOut Board model later. If someone wants to try the display only, find the appropriate connector, and code the display controller directly, most of us, would prefer to buy the display only and the connector somewhere else. I have no idea where to search for a connector of this kind and the shipping is so slow that it would take me weeks and lot of $ to try different manufacturer to order the correct connector. Then I would have to solder each pin by hand to 30 individual cables, which I think is too risky for me at this moment with the equipment that I have.

    Alberto : Really good idea! You can still achieve very good graphics speed with a serial monitor if you create a couple of commands inside your propeller object to Draw Rectangle, Lines, Circle, etc... Like what they did with this LCD, if you have an internal flash memory like they did, you can use it to keep pictures, and then display them with a serial command with something like : Display Image #23, it would show very more quickly than sending all the pixels serially. Of course, if all you want is to display information about machines you are automating, the current available object do the job. I suggest to you to evaluate this LCD, it will cost less than a 15'' LCD, and still keep around 15 or 18 lines of text for each screen, and the best is that it will run from a 9V battery instead of AC.

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