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Object Summary — Parallax Forums

Object Summary

parskoparsko Posts: 501
edited 2006-08-03 16:08 in Propeller 1

I keep asking myself these questions over and over again, so I decided not to use my memory and put it on a piece of paper.· Attached is a summary of objects.· I haven't gotten very far, but will update it with new information as I come across it.· The numbers you see are not exact, as some objects have the capacity to open multiple COG's, if certain features are included.

If you have any further info, please feel free to post it, and I'll update the document.

What is uncluded:
Object Name
# Cogs required in "normal" use
Main memory used
# pins used

If you think I should add more, please let me know.



  • ESPESP Posts: 25
    edited 2006-07-21 12:45
    Hi Parkso/All,

    Propstick/Demo Board/Hydra tested?

    Object tied to any specific pins?

    About to order mine (Demo Board), these just occurred to me.


    P.S. is there anywhere this will be posted in ascii?
  • parskoparsko Posts: 501
    edited 2006-07-21 17:43
    I have started updating some of the memory by F8in' all the spin objects. Easy stuff to do while relaxing after dinner. Good suggestions for the testing and pins.

    I can't create a PDF at home, so I won't be able to put up what I got till Monday. Maybe it'll be easier in html format.....

  • ESPESP Posts: 25
    edited 2006-08-03 11:03
    Hi Parkso,

    any progress?

  • parskoparsko Posts: 501
    edited 2006-08-03 11:11

    Actually, a bit. In the tips and traps section, PhiPi wrote a brief routine to check the number of remaining cogs. It works, and I made a specific object for it. Currently, I am knee deep in trying to get a high speed SPI object written, of which I am about 80% done. It has priority in my brain right now...

    The number of published objects is pretty high, so it will take me a bit. BUT, thanks for the friendly reminder, I'll have to put some time aside to do some more with the summary. I will keep you all posted!

  • janbjanb Posts: 74
    edited 2006-08-03 16:08
    2 more suggestions:
    - add 'Remarks' column. I'd put there e.g. the TV_text OBJ requiers not only sonsecutive pins but (I think) pinID must start at modulo 4. It took me a while untill I found it would not work on pins 13,14,15 but does work on pins 12,13,14
    - add column w/ URL for the latest version of given OBJ ? Or people just google such detail ?
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