Serial Programmer - vero board design
I got the chip and built the Serial Programmer on piece of vero board
It took about 2 hours to design and build.
So I thought that maybe someone else would like to do the same ...
I got the chip and built the Serial Programmer on piece of vero board
It took about 2 hours to design and build.
So I thought that maybe someone else would like to do the same ...
Also, the image serialvero doesn't indicate what is connected to what, but merely where you placed the items on the vero board. Could you update it with the pieces connected? Or are they merely connected left to right along the rows (i.e. the 1k connects the tx pin to the 2n3906)? If they are, why didn't you just use stip board, instead of vero board (unless that was all you had)?·Finally, what are the gray dots (below the left 2n3904 and the 1k)?
there is another one, but it seems to be pretty much the same, just
slightly different layout :
And yes I am using stripboard. (vertical stripes)
I just thought that both striped and non striped was called "vero".
don't worry about the grey dots they are just articfacts that the
drawing software generated from juctions in my schema (Stripboard magic)
As far as I know, Vero board is the kind that is just plastic with wholes (no traces at all, not even the traces around the holes). The kind with the·traces around the holes are Experimenters boards, then there are stip boards, and finally Proto·boards (the kind with the traces for ICs or other pieces kinda like a breadboard, though there are other arrangements, like the ones from Radio Shack).·I usually use the different terms to differentiate them, to make it easier for myself and· others.