puzzling over using boot epprom
hi all,
i was just wondering if there is a simple way to write some variables to the boot epprom, for storage purposes... and then be able to access them reliably on next boot up....
for example
using a varible name for a memory location... write 2 longs to the boot epprom
then on next boot since the whole epprom is loaded into props memory, you variables are right there with the latest and greatest values...
i think it should work.. just at work right now so i cant try it.
i was just wondering if there is a simple way to write some variables to the boot epprom, for storage purposes... and then be able to access them reliably on next boot up....
for example
using a varible name for a memory location... write 2 longs to the boot epprom
then on next boot since the whole epprom is loaded into props memory, you variables are right there with the latest and greatest values...
i think it should work.. just at work right now so i cant try it.

Life is one giant teacup ride.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 6/7/2006 3:02:29 PM GMT
hmm the address would be· @constant, to the ic2 routine...
Life is one giant teacup ride.