My OPTAscope has problem...
I am new to this forum.·
I bought a Oscope kit & BOE-BOT kit since last year.
So far, I am happy with BOE-BOT kit but not much appreciate for Oscope stuff.
when I used it to monitor the signals I found the software was very easy to crush. (showed run time error '5')
The crush usually happened when I twick around Horizontal/vertical scale.
I have to re-open the softwae again and again in order to see singals.
Sometimes, I even cannot see any signals because as long as I press RUN, it crushed immediately.
Another issue is that when I use calibration function, it only calibrate the 1st probe and will stop at the begining of 2nd probe calibration. Is this normal?
And the result of calibration is funny too,·I better not to calibrate.
It get much wrose.
I setup experiments on Education Board(Rev.B), I did try to change different software version,· Ver3.0 and 4.0, but got same result.
I am using a AMD XP1800 desktop with an fairly ok display card(Ti4400).
I also tried Oscope on another computer it was the same.
Did everyone ever experience the crush when using Oscope?
Thank you.
I am new to this forum.·
I bought a Oscope kit & BOE-BOT kit since last year.
So far, I am happy with BOE-BOT kit but not much appreciate for Oscope stuff.
when I used it to monitor the signals I found the software was very easy to crush. (showed run time error '5')
The crush usually happened when I twick around Horizontal/vertical scale.
I have to re-open the softwae again and again in order to see singals.
Sometimes, I even cannot see any signals because as long as I press RUN, it crushed immediately.

Another issue is that when I use calibration function, it only calibrate the 1st probe and will stop at the begining of 2nd probe calibration. Is this normal?
And the result of calibration is funny too,·I better not to calibrate.
It get much wrose.

I setup experiments on Education Board(Rev.B), I did try to change different software version,· Ver3.0 and 4.0, but got same result.
I am using a AMD XP1800 desktop with an fairly ok display card(Ti4400).
I also tried Oscope on another computer it was the same.
Did everyone ever experience the crush when using Oscope?
Thank you.
Get 'scope software here:
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
I still cannot fix the crush problem after install latest USB driver and software(4.0).
However, I will try to contact with Tech Support Group.
Thanks. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Doug Pientak
I got almost the same crush as yours: that is run time error '5'.
Also the same: only CH1 can be calibrated.
Have you gotten rid of these problems? If you did please tell me how.
I just checked the Optascope Software page, and it appears that the only software that is still publically available is the 4.0 software which presents the error you're receiving - sorry. My best advice would be to contact Doug Pientak from Parallax here:
and see what he may have to offer in terms of new software.
As far as the error itself is concerned, let's see what we can find out. Which Windows Operating system are you using, and do you have all the current updates applied?
In the following paragraph I am making an educated guess that the Optascope Software is written in Visual Basic. I could be way off base in that assumption. I'm making the assumption based on the reported text and format thereof, of the error message, which is NOT a good way to determine the source language!
Do you happen to know if you have all of the Visual Basic Version 6.0 runtime libraries installed on your computer? If not and you'd like to take a shot that installing or re-installing them may clear up this problem, the library can be found here (decoded, this is a direct link to the Microsoft web site, VB section):
Bruce Bates
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Thanks for your immediate reply.
I have figured out the cause of this crush, it is the question of the static charge or grounding problems.
After I grounded my desktop computer it seems OK.
But there still remain question.
My original problems go like this:
When any one of the probes is plugged or when the human hand touching the oscilloscope case with no probes plugged, the run time error '5' appears and oscilloscope crushes.
After I grounded my desktop computer it goes OK except CH2 probe.
I think this CH2 probe goes wrong because of the caliberation problem, as one sees no caliberation of CH2 is done even following the caliberation procedure.
So the question turns to the caliberation of CH2 as was mentioned by Andulu on 1/27/2005:
"Another issue is that when I use calibration function, it only calibrate the 1st probe and will stop at the begining of 2nd probe calibration. Is this normal?"