somethings not quite right...
I cant find out what I'v got wrong, and I'm sure it's something silly...
why do I have to power off / on the chip for it to run a newly downloaded program?
Pressing F7 reports version 1 propeller on com 4...
pressing 12 finds, programs ram, programs eeprom, verifies eeprom...
but the only way to get the downloaded program to run is power off/on the boad.
what gives?
3.31 volts to the eeprom, propeller on pins (both pins) 12 and 32...
gnd on propeller pins 9 and 29
5 mhz xtal on 30 & 31
pins· 40 & 39 to the usb2ser, 38 & 37 to the eeprom (with 4.7K pull ups on each)...
eeprom pins 1-4 and 7 to gnd
eeprom pins 5&6 go to 38 & 37 on the propeller
I mean to say is every thing is working... downloading to ram or eeprom...
and the program does run, only after power cycling the board...
ideas anyone?
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
why do I have to power off / on the chip for it to run a newly downloaded program?
Pressing F7 reports version 1 propeller on com 4...
pressing 12 finds, programs ram, programs eeprom, verifies eeprom...
but the only way to get the downloaded program to run is power off/on the boad.
what gives?
3.31 volts to the eeprom, propeller on pins (both pins) 12 and 32...
gnd on propeller pins 9 and 29
5 mhz xtal on 30 & 31
pins· 40 & 39 to the usb2ser, 38 & 37 to the eeprom (with 4.7K pull ups on each)...
eeprom pins 1-4 and 7 to gnd
eeprom pins 5&6 go to 38 & 37 on the propeller
I mean to say is every thing is working... downloading to ram or eeprom...
and the program does run, only after power cycling the board...
ideas anyone?
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Chip Gracey (Parallax)) : 5/18/2006 9:53:24 PM GMT
Yah... it works... /duh on me
thanks.... within seconds after posting it I had my moment of reality...
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Stan Dobrowski
OS-X: because making Unix user-friendly was easier than debugging Windows
You might want to physically get things positioned to make observations, etc. Besides, what are you going to do with the key? If you need it for something else, replace it. Otherwise, it might be useful.
Personally, I nearly never use a Funcition Key for anything. I really don't know why, but they all seem redundant and hard to reach. Maybe, it was my original touch typing training on a typewriter.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
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