Help with Graphic / TV Output test
** I had posted this in the "How's it going" thread, but only one response (didn't help) so I am posting as NEW as I am stuck! **
I am lagging behind all you folks, but finally going in the right direction (I think)! New development system is built and running fine so I get to play with my Propeller!
I have assembled my PropStick and successfully run "Alive!" and single / double led / cog programs. Works fine.
I cannot for the life of me get anything to output video (composite). It's a bit confusing with the various video / graphics "demos" - not really sure anymore which one should work! The "TV" versions (which won't compile without adding a parameter) and the "graphics" ones do nothing.
Now, I am not blaming anything or anyone - I would like to get a program that is KNOWN to work so I can determine if I have a hardware (PC Video card) issue. It used to work, but haven't used the composite in for a while. I tested this on a second system with an AIW 9800 (known to work)board with the same results.
I wired up the 3 resistor (1.1, 560, 270) composite jack attached to pins 12,13,14 of the Prop - which program can I use as a "stake in the ground"?
I am basically stuck - I have tried everything I could find and think of.
Thanks for the help.
I am lagging behind all you folks, but finally going in the right direction (I think)! New development system is built and running fine so I get to play with my Propeller!
I have assembled my PropStick and successfully run "Alive!" and single / double led / cog programs. Works fine.
I cannot for the life of me get anything to output video (composite). It's a bit confusing with the various video / graphics "demos" - not really sure anymore which one should work! The "TV" versions (which won't compile without adding a parameter) and the "graphics" ones do nothing.
Now, I am not blaming anything or anyone - I would like to get a program that is KNOWN to work so I can determine if I have a hardware (PC Video card) issue. It used to work, but haven't used the composite in for a while. I tested this on a second system with an AIW 9800 (known to work)board with the same results.
I wired up the 3 resistor (1.1, 560, 270) composite jack attached to pins 12,13,14 of the Prop - which program can I use as a "stake in the ground"?
I am basically stuck - I have tried everything I could find and think of.
Thanks for the help.
Hi, give this a try!
I was having a similar·problem. My video output was Intermittent it worked a first and then when I added the Ps/2 port the video died out.
Well, it became apparent to myself after much trying, that if you are using a bread board with the Prop Stick, that the amount of insertion of the Prop stick into the bread board is to blame!
Look and adjust the·height of the Prop stick’s PCB relative to the top of the Bread board. Make sure that the front and back ends of the PCB are evenly adjusted. so that there is no flexing of the PCB. Do the same check side to side.
If this does not work then remove the prop stick and reinsert into a different row on the bread board. make sure to check the height.
sometimes, if it is inserted to fare the pins of the pcb can actually push out the contact rail within the bread board. so make sure that when you insert the pcb you do it on a hard flat surface. and then give a visual inspection to the bottom of the bread board. Push in on any rails that seem to be raised above any others.
Electrically speaking, I just followed the schematic from the Propeller Demo Board. I used two resistors in series to bring my values closer to that of the schematic. I used heat shrink tubing to Isolate the shield of the RCA jack from the resistors and any other exposed contact points. look at my·thread "This is the Shhhhhhhhh! down load the PDF with the seven pics to see the close up arrangement of the Video output·port. make sure that your shield is connected to prop stick ground pin #9. Remember that the first pin on the Propeller is labeled as A0, but this is really pin # 1. so start all of your counting from there. I used all 4 resistors.
Left to right on the schematic and in my photo
R1=1.1 k, R2=560 ohm, R3= 270 ohm, R4= 560 ohm.
Note! the R # that I am using are only in terms of this one port, and are not the designations that are on the schematic. as a matter of fact·rev C of the propeller demo board schematic does not have any designations on any of the miscellaneous components.
Also, just incase you are wondering:·all R tolerances are +/-5%, except the blue resistors they are +/- 1%. I only used them because they were all that I had in that value.
My R values are created by two Resistors in series Total (R) = A(r) + B(r):
A =Top Resistor
B=Bottom Resistor
R1·= A(100 ohm)·+ B(1 K ohm)·- to pin # 17 = A12
R2 = A(62 ohm) + B(500 ohm)· - to pin # 18 = A13
R3 = A(260 ohm) + B(10 ohm)· - to pin # 19 = A14
R4 = A(62 ohm) + B(500 ohm)· - to pin # 20 = A15
Shield = outside jacket of the RCA jack, this must connect to the Prop stick’s Ground pin # 9 and/or pin #29
All of the "A" sides are connected to a single wire that connects to the center Point of the RCA jack
I hope that this helps!
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!
I got stuck for awhile at this stage. Ideas:
1. Confirm each of the pins is working, using an LED-blink program.
2. I found a little problem in one version of TV_Terminal_Demo. At the beginning of the program there is a line:
'start the tv terminal
I found that the '3' is important, and a little unclear when getting it going for the first time.
No doubt, you've figure it out. It will probably be something small you overlooked.