HUB Instruction indeterminate timing issue
I'm considering a data acquisition system using a Propeller plus external serial DAC and ADC's for use in a scientific instrument application - data rates of say 100-200 ksps at 12-16 bits resolution (which would obviously need to be coded in Assembler). I would like to dedicate a significant portion of the Propeller's main memory space to set up a data table and devote one half of this for the DAC waveform and the other half to store my ADC readings. My plan would be to use one COG to manage the digital-to-analog conversion, a second to handle the ADC and a third to manage USB transactions to a PC using (say) an FTDI chip to both down- and upload data to/from main memory. WAITPEQ or similar instructions would be useful for signalling purposes between COGs.
However in most such applications it is necessary to maintain precise timing between samples or readings. Given the mechanism via which the Propeller's COGs gain access to main memory this approach seems problematic - since execution times will range from 7 to 22 clocks for each HUB instruction like RDWORD or WRWORD. Am I correct ?? Is there any clever way to manage this problem through software to ensure one maintains a precise sampling frequency or is there simply no way around this but to opt for use of an external memory ?? If the latter then the 64 I/O version of the Propeller with the extra B port looks like a very attractive option as the additional address and data buses required would eat up most remaining I/O resources. Any thoughts ?
However in most such applications it is necessary to maintain precise timing between samples or readings. Given the mechanism via which the Propeller's COGs gain access to main memory this approach seems problematic - since execution times will range from 7 to 22 clocks for each HUB instruction like RDWORD or WRWORD. Am I correct ?? Is there any clever way to manage this problem through software to ensure one maintains a precise sampling frequency or is there simply no way around this but to opt for use of an external memory ?? If the latter then the 64 I/O version of the Propeller with the extra B port looks like a very attractive option as the additional address and data buses required would eat up most remaining I/O resources. Any thoughts ?
From what I understand of the way the hub works the variation in the number of clocks required is because if the hub just passed the cog's time-slot, the cog will have to wait for the cog to come the whole way around again (22 cycles). If the hub is right at the cog's time-slot the cog will get access very quickly (7 cycles).
By properly interleaving hub access instructions with other cog instuctions you should be able to sustain 7 cycle hub access times.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong on that...
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I think you are probably correct in what you say - I guess I need to look closely at the HUB timing diagrams to see how this works. Like many others on this forum my knowledge of Propeller assembler is going to need to come up to speed to implement my application !!
Another possible approach is to use the counter modules for timing. There are two per cog, and each consists of three registers: cnta/b, phsa/b, and frqa/b. They can be configured for a variety of background tasks including pulse trains at fixed intervals. Since that's happening in the background, the same cog can wait for the edge (waitpeq) and then store the measurement. It is also possible for separate cog to watch for that edge, and take a measurement a certain number of clock cycles later...
thanks for that information - very helpful. I was forgetting that of course the COG memory is available without the restrictions that apply to the hub. If worst case for the transfer to main memory is 22 cycles then I guess the RDWORD or WRWORD instruction itself would take only 275 nsec at 80 MHz, so at the data rates I am suggesting this won't be a problem. Great !
The 2 counters available on each COG are indeed extremely powerful and we have seen several neat examples of their use here already (Frequency Synthesizer, Sigma-delta ADC, DAC's etc) already. Does anyone know whether some documentation has been posted on all the different possible counter modes. If I recall correctly the CTRx[noparse][[/noparse]30..26] mode field (loadable via a MOVI instruction) sets the counter mode and that the counters have PLL, NCO and Duty Cycle variants but I think there are some other modes as well.
Here is a link to a post with what I'm pretty sure is the most up to date counter module documentation:
It's in the CTR.spin·attachment.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 5/16/2006 5:49:04 PM GMT