Terminal demo comparizon
I run the TV Terminal Demo in a CineVision tv monitor and adapted the same program to run in the ezLCD-004 Graphics display.
The memory usage is very surprising:
CineVision display···· Program···· 1266 longs
··························· Vars········· 3502
··························· Stack/free· 3420
ezLCD display········· Program···· 310 longs
··························· Vars········· 20
··························· Stack/free· 7858
The memory usage is very surprising:
CineVision display···· Program···· 1266 longs
··························· Vars········· 3502
··························· Stack/free· 3420
ezLCD display········· Program···· 310 longs
··························· Vars········· 20
··························· Stack/free· 7858
The picture on the right looks a bit fuzzy [noparse]:)[/noparse]