Propeller Tool
A simple question about the Propeller Tool..· By chance does it take inventory of drives attached to the machine as you open it?· I am experiencing a significant delay while opening the application..· I have a number of mapped drives to several network paths... and figured that may be a part of it.
One other minor issue with the Propeller Tool: the character chart allwasy inserts, even when the editor is in overstrike mode.
I use overstrike a lot when drawing diagrams - and I really like drawing diagrams with the PT, its simple and does the job.
I too, have noticed the long time it takes to open the Tool. My guess is that this is due to it being a stand alone .exe (executable) program, and it needs to "unfold" itself. I'm a complete rookie to all this, so that is the best I could explain why.
Regardless, you aren't alone in noticing that, and I would take it as part of the cost of doing business. Easy solution, never close it (you know you won't anyway!)
Seriously though, it looks like the preferences portion hasn't been completed yet.... If there's anything that can be switched off as an option to allow it to open faster (enumerating serial ports, drives, etc..), something that could be a configurable option..
There should be some articles on the SysInternals site on their use, but in a nutshell, start the utilities, then start the Propeller Tool. The utilities will capture all of the file system, registry, and process info that the Propeller Tool generates, and you can save the logs. For real-time viewing, disable the auto-scroll feature.
Here is the site:
People at parallax: please give us the option to disable this and specify our own path for files.
I'm not sure if I am the only one who stores my source code on the network, but I know I'm not the only one in my group..