Boe-Bot IR Sensor - Third Sensor causing problems
I've just recently added the other two IR sensors provided in my Boe-Bot Kit onto the Boe-Bot itself, so it has 1 on each side and 1 on the front. So far, using 1 on the front I can get the distances fine, and using one on the front and one on the left works fine too. However once I connect the third IR Sensor it affects the data being recieved by the other two IR sensors, even when Im not using any code to deal with the 3rd IR Sensor. For some reason it changes the distance returns to 255 constantly, and I cant seem to figure out why.
Here's a really crappy pic of the setup;

That red arrow is pointing to the 3rd IR Sensor's connection for the Sensor on the right side of the Boe-Bot.
I've been able to establish (by switching the IR sensors around, connecting them to different combo's of pins) that the problem is not with the IR sensors themselves, as they all return acurate distances when no IR sensor is plugged into that 3rd one to the left. So the problem must be with the pin itself, but what the problem is I dont have a clue of (Im not the smartest at circuitry, but Im hoping this is something that doesnt require me replacing the main board or the pin )
Any ideas/help is appretiated,
- Adam
Here's a really crappy pic of the setup;

That red arrow is pointing to the 3rd IR Sensor's connection for the Sensor on the right side of the Boe-Bot.
I've been able to establish (by switching the IR sensors around, connecting them to different combo's of pins) that the problem is not with the IR sensors themselves, as they all return acurate distances when no IR sensor is plugged into that 3rd one to the left. So the problem must be with the pin itself, but what the problem is I dont have a clue of (Im not the smartest at circuitry, but Im hoping this is something that doesnt require me replacing the main board or the pin )
Any ideas/help is appretiated,
- Adam
Some basic idea, or better yet a simple schematic drawing, as to how you have the this new I/R sensor wired, would be most helpful in trying to establish what's wrong with your set-up. Additionally, we will need to see a copy of your PBASIC program as well. Please
use the Upload Manager to attach a copy of your program to your next message.
Bruce Bates
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Sorry if I bumped more pressing matters down on the forum.
- Adam.