Simple Problem with Breadboard Connections

This is almost trivial...
I have a peripheral that I want to connect to my Homework board's breadboard. The peripheral interface is 20 pins in a double row (te pins per row). 1 is across from 11, 2 from 12, etc. Each pin has in independent function.
The problem is that if I stick the peripheral's pins straight into the bread board (like and App Mod), then the pairs of pins (1-11,·2-12 etc.) are shorted through the breadboard.
The double row of pins is not wide enought to span the breadboard's central channel.
The best I've come up with is to use an old PC ribbon cable with three sockets (used to connect two hard drives to the·mother board).
One end (the start) I connect to the peripheral
The middle socket·I connect just the left row to a single strip of header pins
The other end (finish) socket I connect just the right row to a single header strip.
I then loop the cable so the middle socket and its single row of pins goes to one side of the breadboard and the finsh socket with its single row header pins go to the other side of the bread board. Then I add the remainder of compnents in the tunnel. I won't post a picture becasue you will just laugh.
Am I crazy? Is there some commercial cable or other product that splits double-row header pins into single rows so they can be used on a breadboard?
I have a peripheral that I want to connect to my Homework board's breadboard. The peripheral interface is 20 pins in a double row (te pins per row). 1 is across from 11, 2 from 12, etc. Each pin has in independent function.
The problem is that if I stick the peripheral's pins straight into the bread board (like and App Mod), then the pairs of pins (1-11,·2-12 etc.) are shorted through the breadboard.
The double row of pins is not wide enought to span the breadboard's central channel.
The best I've come up with is to use an old PC ribbon cable with three sockets (used to connect two hard drives to the·mother board).
One end (the start) I connect to the peripheral
The middle socket·I connect just the left row to a single strip of header pins
The other end (finish) socket I connect just the right row to a single header strip.
I then loop the cable so the middle socket and its single row of pins goes to one side of the breadboard and the finsh socket with its single row header pins go to the other side of the bread board. Then I add the remainder of compnents in the tunnel. I won't post a picture becasue you will just laugh.
Am I crazy? Is there some commercial cable or other product that splits double-row header pins into single rows so they can be used on a breadboard?
As I recall, I DID build an interface to a bread-board out of one of these. You spread the wire-wrap pins enough to span the 'gutter' in the board and plug it in, then plug your interface cable into the other end of the connector. Getting the right part (with the right sex) can be difficult without good pictures.
Oh, yes, and you might be able to use one of the following:
There's a 40-pin DIP connector in there.· Put that on one end of a ribbon cable, put the two-row x 20 socket connector on the other end, figure out what the pin-outs are, and you should be good to go.
You might need a 40-pin socket to plug the 40-pin DIP into, so you can use a vise to 'squish' them together without damaging the 40-pin DIP, though.
P.S. Oh, and now I see you have a 2x10, not a 2x20, so it's even easier.· You can use a 20-pin DIP form-factor on the protoboard.
Post Edited (allanlane5) : 4/20/2006 8:51:23 PM GMT·look down for dual row receptacle adaptor.· $9.00 Canadian.· They also have a right angle version.
Both are good.
The BBAdaptor IDC adaptor is 'male gender' and great with a ribbon cable.
The Tini Adaptor [noparse][[/noparse]or BBAdaptor] is 24 pin 'female gender' and useful for the mechanical support.
I really like the idea of being able to bridge breadboards with a ribbon cable.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 4/22/2006 4:26:45 PM GMT
Baking powder?· Ex-squeeze me?
We need to talk.
Have corrected my message. It is the IDC adaptor that is 'male'
BBAdaptor and Tini Adaptor are one in the same.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan