Recursion Works
Advanced programmers may be wondering if Spin methods are recursive -- at least with this program, the answer is yes.

Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
ARgh, I just had to shoo away our new kitten from my work bench, she was trying to chew off one of the caps on my propeller board. Thankfully its not powered up.
So, for example, doing a mandlebrot set, the depth of each calculation would have to be limited...
How would you know how deep you can go, other then trial and error?
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Perhaps you should leave it powered......
Anyway... I was toying with the idea of a real time 3D mandlebort generator / explorer.
Recursion is the best method of generating a mandlebrot, with limits as well, but other methods do exist.
The biggest unknown is the math. I know it's a matter of interpertation of data, and how you would like to see it applied.
It's always fanicated me, the mandle sets that is, to the point where I use the program POV to create a 3D set of stills as the computations "slid" down a hill.
I think it would be real neat to draw "dots" on the screen in real time computations, "sliding down, twisting" as the calculations proceede.
The math is extensive, and would (might?) most likey require a math coprocessor (like the one Parallax has) for the floating point calculations.
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
6+6=10 (Long live the duodecimal system!)
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
TO coin another's phrase, the more I learn, the less I can wait!
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket