It's a great tool and I look forward to the next release. It has been very helpful in my testing.
It's amazing sometimes how incorrect information propagates and it's hard to stamp it out.
Is 2.08.04 the latest release ?
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
I have tested your sample code snippet with the latest released version of SXSim, and here the code results in W being set to 0 (as it should) but not to $FF as you have mentioned.
Do you have the DEVICE CARRYX option active in your program? In this case, the status of the C flag will influence the result of mov w,_AX-w, so you will have to set C before the subtraction.
I'm new to this forum and·this is·my first post.· I just purchased the SX Tech Tool Kit Professional and I'm going over all the manuals, etc.
I loaded SK-Key v3.1 software and SXSim program and wrote a simple Basic program.· I compiled it and ran it on the simulator.· All worked fine and the Command·and I/O panels displayed correctly.· I have been using the SXSim program for the past·several days, but, yesterday the Command panel did not display when the SXSim was re-run.· The "Command" box on the bottom tray showed that it was running.· I toggled the box but the Command Panel did not display.· I·also·right clicked on it but nothing diplayed.· The last time I used the SXSim, when everything was working, ·I did remember clicking the "Quit" button on the Command Panel to remove the display, after ending the SXSim program.
Today I did downloaded and installed the latest version of SXSim (v2.08.04).· I ran it under SX-Key v3.1 and this did not help.
Any idea on how to restore the view of the "Command Panel".
when your program file is named test.sxb, for example, there should be a file test.sim in the same directory. Please try to delete this sim file - this should bring back the Command window.
good finding - I never expected that such a file would be created by SXSim, and I'm not sure which Program does it - the IDE, or SXSim but I'll find out. Good to learn that this fixed your problem.
Thanks for the good wishes, and have much success with the SX!
Can I use the SXSim alone without the SXKey? I just launch the SXSim and choose the *.lst to stimulate, but the SXSim always note me "The program has no entry point!" By the way, I used PicAntIDE software to complie my *.asm ,why can't I use the SXSim to stimulate *.lst generated by the PicAntIDE correctly ?
But I can use the earlier version 1.0 to stimulate correctly ,can any superior tell me why?
Hello yanss00,
Perhaps Gunther will have to help you further with this one.
What I do know is:
You can use SXSim for stand-alone testing. I ran a test by assembling a source file (in SX-Key v3.1), copied the assembled code from the list view window and saved to a text document with the .lst extension. I closed SX-Key. I opened SXSim and loaded the .lst file and it simulated the SX as I expected.
Sorry, I'm not familliar with the PicAntIDE to help further. (I use WinPic and PICPgm for the little PIC programming I do)
can the Winpic and PICpgm be used in the SX's compling and program? Where can I get them?
Please tell me . Would you please send them by e-mail if you have?
Thank you very much!!
yanss00 said...
Can I use the SXSim alone without the SXKey? I just launch the SXSim and choose the *.lst to stimulate, but the SXSim always note me "The program has no entry point!" By the way, I used PicAntIDE software to complie my *.asm ,why can't I use the SXSim to stimulate *.lst generated by the PicAntIDE correctly ?
But I can use the earlier version 1.0 to stimulate correctly ,can any superior tell me why?
Hello yanss00,
yes, you can use SXSim w/o SX-Key. Nevertheless, SXSim needs a list file generated by the SASM assembler which is part of the SX-Key IDE. It can not operate on a source code file because it relies on specific information contained in the list file. Furthermore, SXSim expects the list file format to be compatible to the one generated by SASM. Therefore, I don't think that SXSim can be used together with files generated by Winpic, or PICpgm.
thanks to users sending bug reports and making important suggestions for enhancements, I have prepared a new version of SXSim (2.08.05) with the following fixes/enhancements:
- Internal program counter contents displayed in the main window
- SKIP on odd and even prgram addresses handled correctly now
- "odd" clock frequencies handled correctly now.
As usual, you will find the new version for download attached to the first post in this thread.
Thanks for your continued support for all of us SX'ers with your great SXSim. It's a super tool for us. I was wondering if you had a chance to fix the port problem that we talked about in this post. . .
both items are still on my TODO list. Unfortunately, I'm too busy with some other projects right now. Therefore, I can only spend limited time into SXSim for fixing bugs, like I recently did, so please be patient - as soon as I've got some free time, I'll work on the SXSim TODO list.
Just purchased SX-Key and Professional Development Kit.· Was getting the Version error as described here.· Following this advice, I renamed the SXSim folder.· Now when I attempt to start SK-Key Editor an install process is initiated that is unable to find a file "SX-Key Editor v3.1.msi".· When this install fails so does the SX-Key Editor and IDE.· Currently I am unable to run the IDE because of the simulator.· Seems like I need the older version of the Simulator in the Tools\SXSim folder.· Any way I can get hold of it, so I can at least run the IDE?· Currently, I don't really envision a need for the simulator.
seems to me as if this has nothing to do with SXSim per-se. Did you use the latest version of the IDE installer available at the Parallax site for download? This one should install the latest version of the IDE and SXSim without the compatibility problems I had described in the first post of this thread.
BTW: I'm on vacations in the US right now, so I might not be able to handle forum posts on a regular basis within the next three weeks, so please be patient when I don't answer immediately.
Went back to the website and sure enough there was a version 3.2 posted instead of the 3.1 that was there just a couple weeks back.· Downloaded and re-installed and version problem is resolved.· The IDE now starts up cleanly resolving my immediate issue.
However, thought you might like to know, that if I try to start the simulator, either through the file menu in the IDE, or by double-clicking on the file in the Tools/SXSim folder I still get an error window and the simulator does not run.
Run-time error '339';
Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX" or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.
This is under windows 2000.· I suspect that may be a factor.· While I don't have an immediate need for the simulator my experience tells me that before this project is done I probably will.· Knowing that Windows 2000 is ancient,· if you don't have it available to you, I would be happy to look up or try anything you might like toward resolving this message also.
Hope you have a great vacation
Thanks for the help
Dave Kikendall
this looks strange to me. Former versions of SXSim required that MSCOMCTL.OCX was available on the computer but since a while, I have changed the SXSim code so that this OCX is no longer required.
I'll address this problem when I'm back home from vacations.
When you install an SX-Key IDE, the version of SXSim is also automatically installed that is "inside" the IDE code. I don't have direct control over which version goes into the IDE, so I'm not sure if this is the latest one I have relased. Please try to download the version that is available here on the first page of this thread, and copy the SxSim.exe file into the IDE's tools/sxsim folder, and give it a try. Maybe, this already solves your problem.
I'm new to SX programming and I have not received the SX28 yet. However, I've used the Parallax PDF on beginning assembly programming and the SX Simulator (v 2.08.05) and it's terrific. Ausgezeichnet!!!
I've learned a lot already.
I do get an error each time I try to print my source code...but I just work around that now using notepad. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Is there a help document to explain this SX Sim in more detail? I'll try looking around this site.
good to learn that SXSim helps you doing the first steps without having the "real silicon" on hand. Printing the source code is handled by the SX-Key IDE, not by SXSim. I just tried to print a source code from the SX-Key IDE, Version 3.2.3 and it worked without error. If you don't have this version, you can download it from the Parallax WEB site.
Sorry, there is no on-line help available for SXSim so far. You can find a PDF with the most recent documentation in my first post of this "sticky" thread.
it took a while to prepare a new version of SXSim, so here it is:
This new version 2.08.06 comes with the following fixes/enhancements:
- When WREG is mapped into address $01, the contents of RTCC will be shown in a separate field
- In RUN mode, the list display no longer jumps to the first line
- When SXSim is terminated with the main window minimized, it will be re-opened with its default size when invoked again later
- When TRIS bits are changed, the I/O Panel is correctly updated in "Run" mode now
- Breakpoints now work correctly on targets of JMP w instructions
- Wrong cycle count of skip instructions (2 instead of 3 in case of a skip) fixed
- SKIP status display fixed, it will now only be highlighted when a skip instruction actually causes a skip
- New "Run to Right-Clicked", and "Jump to Right-Clicked" modes
- New status display in the Commands window indicating the current mode of SXSim ("Idle", "walking", or "running")
I'm sorry that I could not implement the variable watch window, and the SX 48/52 timer/counter support for now. Nevertheless, I think it is worth while releasing this version, as it comes with some bug fixes (thans to all SXSim users who have sent me bug reports), plus some other "goodies" users have been asking for.
If you have any comments, wishes, bug reports, etc., I'd be more than glad hearing from you. If possible, please post a message in this thread, and do not launch a new thread in the forum. This makes it easier for me (and the SXSim users) to track your posts.
You can find the new version of SXSim, and the updated documentation in my very first post in this "sticky" thread.
Whenever I use SXSim (v1.08.06) and I·click on an SX-Key Editor widnow, I get this message "List file has been modified - Restore breakpoints?", and I have to restart the simulation, wether I want to double-check something in my code, or accidentally click it. This is annoying when running a long simulation to check for a bug in an UART, for example, and having to redo everything because of that.
Is there a way around that, or do I need to wait for a new version?
Yes, that's where I have to click with 2.8.6 also. I sometimes need to swap between different files when running a simulation, so I need to click in the far left pane.
It's a great tool and I look forward to the next release. It has been very helpful in my testing.
It's amazing sometimes how incorrect information propagates and it's hard to stamp it out.
Is 2.08.04 the latest release ?
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
"SX-Video OSD module" Now available from Parallax for only·$49.95
Product web site:
"Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there."
yes, 2.08.04 is the latest released SXSim version. New features and fixes are in the pipeline - if I only had some more time...
And no - by no means is it true that I'm planning to write PropSim
Greetings from Germany,
i'm a new entry.
i'm italian, and i'm working to develop a C compiler for scenix.
i like scenix processor but i have some problems with developing software for this processor, and for this reason i decided to write my C compiler.
Actually i have a problem with SXSim
look to these instructions (_AX is a general register)
mov _AX,#08
mov w,#08
mov w,_AX-w
at the end, register w must be zero, but w is FF
someone can help me?
I have tested your sample code snippet with the latest released version of SXSim, and here the code results in W being set to 0 (as it should) but not to $FF as you have mentioned.
Do you have the DEVICE CARRYX option active in your program? In this case, the status of the C flag will influence the result of mov w,_AX-w, so you will have to set C before the subtraction.
Greetings from Germany,
just when i understand the problem i reading your correct advice.
i'm working with CARRYX and then i must set carry before any subtraction.
thank you.
Re: Lost view·of "Command Box" (panel)
I'm new to this forum and·this is·my first post.· I just purchased the SX Tech Tool Kit Professional and I'm going over all the manuals, etc.
I loaded SK-Key v3.1 software and SXSim program and wrote a simple Basic program.· I compiled it and ran it on the simulator.· All worked fine and the Command·and I/O panels displayed correctly.· I have been using the SXSim program for the past·several days, but, yesterday the Command panel did not display when the SXSim was re-run.· The "Command" box on the bottom tray showed that it was running.· I toggled the box but the Command Panel did not display.· I·also·right clicked on it but nothing diplayed.· The last time I used the SXSim, when everything was working, ·I did remember clicking the "Quit" button on the Command Panel to remove the display, after ending the SXSim program.
Today I did downloaded and installed the latest version of SXSim (v2.08.04).· I ran it under SX-Key v3.1 and this did not help.
Any idea on how to restore the view of the "Command Panel".
The best to all,
Eric Kuegler (Ericro)
when your program file is named test.sxb, for example, there should be a file test.sim in the same directory. Please try to delete this sim file - this should bring back the Command window.
Greetings from Germany,
good finding - I never expected that such a file would be created by SXSim, and I'm not sure which Program does it - the IDE, or SXSim but I'll find out. Good to learn that this fixed your problem.
Thanks for the good wishes, and have much success with the SX!
Greetings from Germany,
why my sixsim always notic me that "The program has no entry point"?
device sx28ac
FREQ 50_000_000
jmp loop
Can you help me?
That means that you are trying to run your asm listing and not the compiled ASM.
You need to open your ASM listing in the SXKey IDE (no connection to your serial SXKey required)
Then from the RUN menu "Launch SXSim"
But I can use the earlier version 1.0 to stimulate correctly ,can any superior tell me why?
Perhaps Gunther will have to help you further with this one.
What I do know is:
You can use SXSim for stand-alone testing. I ran a test by assembling a source file (in SX-Key v3.1), copied the assembled code from the list view window and saved to a text document with the .lst extension. I closed SX-Key. I opened SXSim and loaded the .lst file and it simulated the SX as I expected.
Sorry, I'm not familliar with the PicAntIDE to help further. (I use WinPic and PICPgm for the little PIC programming I do)
Good luck,
can the Winpic and PICpgm be used in the SX's compling and program? Where can I get them?
Please tell me . Would you please send them by e-mail if you have?
Thank you very much!!
yes, you can use SXSim w/o SX-Key. Nevertheless, SXSim needs a list file generated by the SASM assembler which is part of the SX-Key IDE. It can not operate on a source code file because it relies on specific information contained in the list file. Furthermore, SXSim expects the list file format to be compatible to the one generated by SASM. Therefore, I don't think that SXSim can be used together with files generated by Winpic, or PICpgm.
Greetings from Germany,
thanks to users sending bug reports and making important suggestions for enhancements, I have prepared a new version of SXSim (2.08.05) with the following fixes/enhancements:
- Internal program counter contents displayed in the main window
- SKIP on odd and even prgram addresses handled correctly now
- "odd" clock frequencies handled correctly now.
As usual, you will find the new version for download attached to the first post in this thread.
Have fun!
Greetings from Germany,
Thanks for your continued support for all of us SX'ers with your great SXSim. It's a super tool for us. I was wondering if you had a chance to fix the port problem that we talked about in this post. . .
Also, do you have any plans to simulate the two multi-function timers on an SX48/52?
Thanks again for the great work,
Bill Franke
both items are still on my TODO list. Unfortunately, I'm too busy with some other projects right now. Therefore, I can only spend limited time into SXSim for fixing bugs, like I recently did, so please be patient - as soon as I've got some free time, I'll work on the SXSim TODO list.
Greetings from Germany,
Thanx for any help
seems to me as if this has nothing to do with SXSim per-se. Did you use the latest version of the IDE installer available at the Parallax site for download? This one should install the latest version of the IDE and SXSim without the compatibility problems I had described in the first post of this thread.
BTW: I'm on vacations in the US right now, so I might not be able to handle forum posts on a regular basis within the next three weeks, so please be patient when I don't answer immediately.
Greetings from Germany,
Went back to the website and sure enough there was a version 3.2 posted instead of the 3.1 that was there just a couple weeks back.· Downloaded and re-installed and version problem is resolved.· The IDE now starts up cleanly resolving my immediate issue.
However, thought you might like to know, that if I try to start the simulator, either through the file menu in the IDE, or by double-clicking on the file in the Tools/SXSim folder I still get an error window and the simulator does not run.
Run-time error '339';
Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX" or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.
This is under windows 2000.· I suspect that may be a factor.· While I don't have an immediate need for the simulator my experience tells me that before this project is done I probably will.· Knowing that Windows 2000 is ancient
Hope you have a great vacation
Thanks for the help
Dave Kikendall
this looks strange to me. Former versions of SXSim required that MSCOMCTL.OCX was available on the computer but since a while, I have changed the SXSim code so that this OCX is no longer required.
I'll address this problem when I'm back home from vacations.
Greetings from Germany,
I just installed SX-Key IDE 3.2.3, and I get the same run-time error, 339. Have you had a chance to look into this?
sorry for keeping you waiting.
When you install an SX-Key IDE, the version of SXSim is also automatically installed that is "inside" the IDE code. I don't have direct control over which version goes into the IDE, so I'm not sure if this is the latest one I have relased. Please try to download the version that is available here on the first page of this thread, and copy the SxSim.exe file into the IDE's tools/sxsim folder, and give it a try. Maybe, this already solves your problem.
Greetings from Germany,
I'm new to SX programming and I have not received the SX28 yet. However, I've used the Parallax PDF on beginning assembly programming and the SX Simulator (v 2.08.05) and it's terrific. Ausgezeichnet!!!
I've learned a lot already.
I do get an error each time I try to print my source code...but I just work around that now using notepad. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Is there a help document to explain this SX Sim in more detail? I'll try looking around this site.
Regards and Thanks,
good to learn that SXSim helps you doing the first steps without having the "real silicon" on hand. Printing the source code is handled by the SX-Key IDE, not by SXSim. I just tried to print a source code from the SX-Key IDE, Version 3.2.3 and it worked without error. If you don't have this version, you can download it from the Parallax WEB site.
Sorry, there is no on-line help available for SXSim so far. You can find a PDF with the most recent documentation in my first post of this "sticky" thread.
Greetings from Germany,
it took a while to prepare a new version of SXSim, so here it is:
This new version 2.08.06 comes with the following fixes/enhancements:
- When WREG is mapped into address $01, the contents of RTCC will be shown in a separate field
- In RUN mode, the list display no longer jumps to the first line
- When SXSim is terminated with the main window minimized, it will be re-opened with its default size when invoked again later
- When TRIS bits are changed, the I/O Panel is correctly updated in "Run" mode now
- Breakpoints now work correctly on targets of JMP w instructions
- Wrong cycle count of skip instructions (2 instead of 3 in case of a skip) fixed
- SKIP status display fixed, it will now only be highlighted when a skip instruction actually causes a skip
- New "Run to Right-Clicked", and "Jump to Right-Clicked" modes
- New status display in the Commands window indicating the current mode of SXSim ("Idle", "walking", or "running")
I'm sorry that I could not implement the variable watch window, and the SX 48/52 timer/counter support for now. Nevertheless, I think it is worth while releasing this version, as it comes with some bug fixes (thans to all SXSim users who have sent me bug reports), plus some other "goodies" users have been asking for.
If you have any comments, wishes, bug reports, etc., I'd be more than glad hearing from you. If possible, please post a message in this thread, and do not launch a new thread in the forum. This makes it easier for me (and the SXSim users) to track your posts.
You can find the new version of SXSim, and the updated documentation in my very first post in this "sticky" thread.
Greetings from Germany,
Whenever I use SXSim (v1.08.06) and I·click on an SX-Key Editor widnow, I get this message "List file has been modified - Restore breakpoints?", and I have to restart the simulation, wether I want to double-check something in my code, or accidentally click it. This is annoying when running a long simulation to check for a bug in an UART, for example, and having to redo everything because of that.
Is there a way around that, or do I need to wait for a new version?
Thanks in advance for your help!