Peter, Need Help with Translating code from Stamp to Java !!!
Hello Peter, This upper portion of code works the way we want it to for the BS2.
Under the line is the equivlent code that we are trying to write for the Javalin chip.
Would you please make the nessessary changes with comments, it would be greatly appreciated. We are attempting to learn Java as fast as we can :>) ...
We are using a Parralax PLC on the transmitting end with an A\D converter installed. On the Receiving end we are using a PDB with the Javalin chip.
' {$STAMP BS2pe}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
ClkAdc· PIN 0
CsAdc PIN 3
AoutAdc PIN 4
AinAdc· PIN 5
adResult VAR Word··········· 'Holds 16 Bit Value
LOW CsAdc·········································································· ·'Enable A\D for Communication with Stamp
SHIFTOUT AinAdc,ClkAdc, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]Shift [noparse][[/noparse]%11111000]··············'Shift out Control Byte To A/D Converter·····
HIGH CsAdc············································································'End Control Sequence
LOW CsAdc·········································································· ·'Enable for Data
SHIFTIN AinAdc,ClkAdc, MSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]adResult\12]························· · 'Data is shifted in from Right to Left !
HIGH CsAdc··········································································· 'End Data Sequence
adResult = adResult>>8
DEBUG "Output was:·· ",adResult,CR
PAUSE 3000
GOTO Check_Voltage
IF adResult >=·10 THEN MAIN
IF (adResult < 10) AND (adResult > 3) THEN Ground_Fault
IF (adResult < 3) THEN Voltage_Off
SEROUT 16, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"1"]
SEROUT 16, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"2"]
· import stamp.core.*;
· public class PLC{
··· static int adResult;
··· final static int ClkAdc = CPU.pin0;
··· final static int CsAdc = CPU.pin3;
··· final static int AoutAdc = CPU.pin4;
··· final static int AinAdc = CPU.pin5;
··· final static int dataPin = CPU.pin16;
··· static Uart txUart = new Uart ( Uart.dirTransmit, dataPin, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed2400, Uart.stop1 );
··· static StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(7);
··· static void bufferMessage(){
··· adResult = 0xf0;
··· }
··· public static void serOut() {··························· ·· // Declares a new Method to handle serial out transmission.
······· if (adResult >=13);······································ // Not sure of how to send out values according to 'if' statement
······· else if (adResult <13 && adResult >3);··········· ·// i.e. if (adResult >=13) "send out value of 1"···· ?!?!?!?
······· else if (adResult
··· }
····· public static void main() {
····· CPU.writePin(CPU.pin0, true);
····· CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin3, CPU.pin0, 8, CPU.SHIFT_MSB, adResult <<8);
····· CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, false);
····· CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, true);
····· adResult = ((CPU.shiftIn(CPU.pin5, CPU.pin0, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB) >>8));
··· }
· }
Under the line is the equivlent code that we are trying to write for the Javalin chip.
Would you please make the nessessary changes with comments, it would be greatly appreciated. We are attempting to learn Java as fast as we can :>) ...
We are using a Parralax PLC on the transmitting end with an A\D converter installed. On the Receiving end we are using a PDB with the Javalin chip.
' {$STAMP BS2pe}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
ClkAdc· PIN 0
CsAdc PIN 3
AoutAdc PIN 4
AinAdc· PIN 5
adResult VAR Word··········· 'Holds 16 Bit Value
LOW CsAdc·········································································· ·'Enable A\D for Communication with Stamp
SHIFTOUT AinAdc,ClkAdc, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]Shift [noparse][[/noparse]%11111000]··············'Shift out Control Byte To A/D Converter·····
HIGH CsAdc············································································'End Control Sequence
LOW CsAdc·········································································· ·'Enable for Data
SHIFTIN AinAdc,ClkAdc, MSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]adResult\12]························· · 'Data is shifted in from Right to Left !
HIGH CsAdc··········································································· 'End Data Sequence
adResult = adResult>>8
DEBUG "Output was:·· ",adResult,CR
PAUSE 3000
GOTO Check_Voltage
IF adResult >=·10 THEN MAIN
IF (adResult < 10) AND (adResult > 3) THEN Ground_Fault
IF (adResult < 3) THEN Voltage_Off
SEROUT 16, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"1"]
SEROUT 16, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"2"]
· import stamp.core.*;
· public class PLC{
··· static int adResult;
··· final static int ClkAdc = CPU.pin0;
··· final static int CsAdc = CPU.pin3;
··· final static int AoutAdc = CPU.pin4;
··· final static int AinAdc = CPU.pin5;
··· final static int dataPin = CPU.pin16;
··· static Uart txUart = new Uart ( Uart.dirTransmit, dataPin, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed2400, Uart.stop1 );
··· static StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(7);
··· static void bufferMessage(){
··· adResult = 0xf0;
··· }
··· public static void serOut() {··························· ·· // Declares a new Method to handle serial out transmission.
······· if (adResult >=13);······································ // Not sure of how to send out values according to 'if' statement
······· else if (adResult <13 && adResult >3);··········· ·// i.e. if (adResult >=13) "send out value of 1"···· ?!?!?!?
······· else if (adResult

··· }
····· public static void main() {
····· CPU.writePin(CPU.pin0, true);
····· CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin3, CPU.pin0, 8, CPU.SHIFT_MSB, adResult <<8);
····· CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, false);
····· CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, true);
····· adResult = ((CPU.shiftIn(CPU.pin5, CPU.pin0, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB) >>8));
··· }
· }
· public class PLC{
··· static int adResult;
··· final static int ClkAdc = CPU.pin0;
··· final static int CsAdc = CPU.pin3;
··· final static int AoutAdc = CPU.pin4;
··· final static int AinAdc = CPU.pin5;
··· final static int dataPin = CPU.pin16;
··· static Uart txUart = new Uart ( Uart.dirTransmit, dataPin, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed2400, Uart.stop1 );
··· static StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(7);
··· static void bufferMessage(){
··· adResult = 0xf0;
··· }
··· public static void serOut() {··// Declares a new Method to handle serial out transmission.
········if (adResult <10 && adResult >=3) txUart.sendByte('1');
······· else if (adResult
··· }
··· public static void main() {
····· CPU.writePin(CPU.pin0, true);
····· CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin3, CPU.pin0, 8, CPU.SHIFT_MSB, adResult <<8);
····· CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, false);
····· CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, true);
····· adResult = ((CPU.shiftIn(CPU.pin5, CPU.pin0, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB) >>8));
····· serOut();
····· while (true) ; //keep pin states and keep javelin running
··· }
· }
The above is according to the BS example. Note that I handle the case adResult==3
which is not handled by the BS example.
regards peter
We re-wrote the code today as we are understanding a little more on how to structure the java code and it looks a little more like the code you posted... (allmost) :>)
We added a couple more methode's and added a txUart constructor.
P.S. Thank you for the semicolon note ... , we are Electricians learning Java as fast as we can :>)
Thanks again !
Actually, the ; is a statement terminator, as is }.
if (a==1) ;
else {b=1}
is equivalent to
if (a==1) {
·//do nothing
else {
· b=1; //note: the semicolon is not needed here because of the closing }
and although technically right, it is a bad program style.
The above is better written as:
if (a!=1) b=1;
regards peter
John Logan
Action Electric Co.
receiving data in the Javalin, as far as the buffer is concerned and how to print numbers to the screen. We are on a jobsite using the PLC and PDB along with a couple of high power tranceivers. Your input is invaliable and greatly appreciated.
John Logan
Action Electric Co.
//Code for Transmitting
import stamp.core.*;
public class PLC{
static int adResult;
final static int ClkAdc = CPU.pin0;
final static int CsAdc = CPU.pin3;
final static int AoutAdc = CPU.pin4;
final static int AinAdc = CPU.pin5;
final static int dataPin = CPU.pin15;
static Uart txUart = new Uart ( Uart.dirTransmit, dataPin, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed2400, Uart.stop1 );
static StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(7);
static void bufferMessage(){
adResult = 0xf0;
public static void serOut() { // Declares a new Method to handle serial out transmission.
if (adResult <10 && adResult >=3) txUart.sendByte('1');
else if (adResult
public static void main() {
CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, true);
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin3, CPU.pin0, 8, CPU.SHIFT_MSB, adResult <<8);
CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, false);
CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, true);
adResult = ((CPU.shiftIn(CPU.pin5, CPU.pin0, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB) >>8));
while (true) ; //keep pin states and keep javelin running
//Code for the receiving end
import stamp.core.*;
public class Main_Receiver{
// final static int dirReceive = 0;
// final static int speed = 9600;
// final static boolean dontInvert = true;
// final static int stop1 = 0;
final static int dataPin = CPU.pin4;
static Uart rxUart = new Uart ( Uart.dirReceive, dataPin, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed2400, Uart.stop1 );
static StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(7);
static int SpeechCode;
static void bufferMessage(){
SpeechCode = 0xff;
//treat \r as newline
while (SpeechCode != '\n'){
if (rxUart.byteAvailable()){
SpeechCode = (int)rxUart.receiveByte();
if (SpeechCode == '\r') SpeechCode = '\n'; //easier for printing
buffer.append(SpeechCode );
System.out.println((int)SpeechCode ); //display incoming message in character format, provides an unlimited value
public static void main(){
while (true) { //receive and display ALL messages
buffer.clear(); //clear buffer
bufferMessage(); //receive and display one incoming message
rxUart.byteAvailable() returns true. You add these bytes to your buffer
until you receive a carriage return character.
To display the entire received buffer use
(not System.out.print(SpeechCode)[noparse];)[/noparse]
All bytes in the buffer are then treated as ascii codes.
To display an integer value i, you use
Now if your buffer contents is made of different types, eg. text and binary numbers,
then you must use more print statements, a collection of the two variations above,
in effect, splitting the buffer into smaller fragments, each fragment being text or binary number.
On the transmit javelin, only one '1' or '2' character is transmitted, then that javelin is waiting
forever, doing nothing.
regards peter
We get an error message " No match found for method "print(java.lang.StringBuffer);
Does the following constructor not create an instance for this? static StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(7);
Sorry, Im confused :>0
Well, better to use a simple char array anyway.
//Code for the receiving end
import stamp.core.*;
public class Main_Receiver{
// final static int dirReceive = 0;
// final static int speed = 9600;
// final static boolean dontInvert = true;
// final static int stop1 = 0;
final static int dataPin = CPU.pin4;
static Uart rxUart = new Uart ( Uart.dirReceive, dataPin, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed2400, Uart.stop1 );
static char[noparse]/noparse buffer = new char[noparse][[/noparse]7];
static int SpeechCode;
static int bufindex=0;
static void bufferMessage(){
SpeechCode = 0xff;
//treat \r as newline
while (SpeechCode != '\n'){
if (rxUart.byteAvailable()){
SpeechCode = rxUart.receiveByte();
if (SpeechCode == '\r') SpeechCode = '\n'; //easier for printing
buffer[noparse][[/noparse]bufindex++] = (char)SpeechCode;
while (buffer[noparse][[/noparse]bufindex]!=0) System.out.print(buffer[noparse][[/noparse]bufindex++]); //display incoming message
public static void main(){
while (true) { //receive and display ALL messages
bufindex=0; //clear buffer
bufferMessage(); //receive and display one incoming message
regards peter
//Transmit Code
import stamp.core.*;
public class PLC_Test{
final static int dataPin = CPU.pin15
static Uart txUart = new Uart( Uart.dirTransmit, dataPin, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed2400, Uart.stop1 );
static stringBuffer buffer = new stringBuffer();
public static void serialOut(){
public static void main(){
//Receiver Code
import stamp.core.*;
public class Main_ReceiverB{
final static int dataPin = CPU.pin4;
static Uart rxUart = new Uart( Uart.dirReceive, dataPin, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed2400, Uart.stop1);
static StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(7);
static int SpeechCode;
static void bufferMessage(){
SpeechCode = 0xff;
while(SpeechCode != '\n'){
if( rxUart.byteAvailable()){
SpeechCode = (int) rxUart.receiveByte();
if( SpeechCode == '\r') SpeechCode = '\n';
System.out.println((int) SpeechCode);
public static void main(){
Post Edited (JMLStamp2p) : 10/6/2005 5:35:38 PM GMT
It demonstrates the Uart·transmit and receive.
Changed error in displaying message.
changed to
····· while (bufrecv[noparse][[/noparse]index]!=0) System.out.print(bufrecv[noparse][[/noparse]index++]); //display received message
regards peter
Post Edited (Peter Verkaik) : 10/6/2005 6:58:54 PM GMT
I updated the test program.
regards peter
We have a E-Mic speech chip also on the receiving end but had it working under the Stamp code ... We have made a stab at changing just the nessessary code
to say (1) sentence over to the Javalin code but need some help from you !!! Below we have included the Receiver code witch is presently working. Under that we have posted our try at the Javalin code to make the chip talk. Im sure we have error's but tried our best :>)
Thank you for your help, as allways ...
import stamp.core.*;
public class Main_Receiver{
final static int dataPin = CPU.pin4;
static Uart rxUart = new Uart ( Uart.dirReceive, dataPin, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed2400, Uart.stop1 );
static StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(128);
static char SpeechCode;
static void bufferMessage(){
SpeechCode = 0xff;
//treat \r as newline
while (SpeechCode != '\n'){
if (rxUart.byteAvailable()){
SpeechCode = (char)rxUart.receiveByte();
if (SpeechCode == '\r') SpeechCode = '\n'; //easier for printing
System.out.println((char)SpeechCode); //display incoming message
public static void main(){
while (true) { //receive and display ALL messages
buffer.clear(); //clear buffer
bufferMessage(); //receive and display one incoming message
//Peter, we would like to extend the main method to include the folloing called mehtods.
//We will include the following varibles nd constants.
final Tx = CPU.pin0;
final Rx = CPU.pin1;
final Busy = CPU.pin2;
final Rst = CPU.pin3;
final Aout = CPU.pin7;
final static int baud = 396;
final static int TmAdj = $100; //need equvalent in Javelin code
final static int FrAdj = $100;
final static int char;
final static int eePntr;
final static int EOM = 0xAA;
final static int Say = 0x00;
final static int Volume = 0x01;
final static int Speed = 0x02;
final static int Pitch = 0x03;
final static int Reset = 0x08;
EEPROM.write(0,(byte)(n&... //need help putting text string into EEPROM for E-Mic verbage
CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, TRUE);
CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, FALSE);
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.Tx, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x01); //Volume
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.Tx, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x02); //Speed
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.Tx, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x03); //Pitch
CPU.shiftIn(CPU.Rx, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, eePntr);
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.Tx, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, char);
eePntr = eePntr + 1 //need javelin equivalent
Loop until(char = EON); //need javelin equivalent
// Our code is downloading with no syntax errors and the E-Mic chip is being reset correctly due to-
// the soft_Reset method that we are calling.
// Note: our main method also calls methods to receive serial data which is also working correctly.
// We understand that the while statement in the main method will change at a later date.
//We need to fully understand how to load text strings or equivalent values into EEPROM, then send them out to the-
// E-Mic chip along with command codes.
import stamp.core.*;
public class Main_Receiver{
final static int dataPin = CPU.pin4;
static Uart rxUart = new Uart ( Uart.dirReceive, dataPin, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed2400, Uart.stop1 );
static StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(128);
static char SpeechCode;
final static int Tx = CPU.pin0;
final static int Rx = CPU.pin1;
final static int Busy = CPU.pin2;
final static int Rst = CPU.pin3;
final static int Aout = CPU.pin7;
final static int baud = 396;
final static int TmAdj = 100; //need equvalent in Javelin code
final static int FrAdj = 100;
// final static int char;
final static int eePntr = 0x00;
final static int EOM = 0xAA;
// final static int Say = 0x00;
final static int Volume = 0x01;
final static int Speed = 0x02;
final static int Pitch = 0x03;
final static int Reset = 0x08;
final static boolean buttonOn = false;
final static boolean buttonOff = true;
static void bufferMessage(){
SpeechCode = 0xff;
//treat \r as newline
while (SpeechCode != '\n'){
if (rxUart.byteAvailable()){
SpeechCode = (char)rxUart.receiveByte();
if (SpeechCode == '\r') SpeechCode = '\n'; //easier for printing
System.out.println((char)SpeechCode); //display incoming message
static void soft_Reset(){
CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, false);
CPU.writePin(CPU.pin3, true);
static void Init(){
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin0, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x01); //Command to set volume
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin0, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x06); //Volume set at 06
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin0, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x02); //Command to set speed
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin0, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x02); //Speed set at 02
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin0, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x03); //Command to set pitch
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin0, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x03); //Pitch set at 03
static void setEEProm(int n){ //have to chop n into bytes
static int getEEPROM(){
int x;;
return x;
static void Check_Busy(){
// While(CPU.readPin(CPU.pin2));
public static void main(){
setEEProm(0x42); //this just loads the EEPROM with the decimal equivalent 65, which we want to be the ASCII "A"
System.out.println("Bytes available in EEPROM:");
System.out.println("The value you wrote to EEPROM:");
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin0, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x00); //0x00 is a command for the E-Mic chip to Say( English text)
CPU.shiftOut(CPU.pin0, baud, 8, CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB, 0x42); //Here we are trying to have the speech chip "say" the letter "A"
while (true) { //receive and display ALL messages
buffer.clear(); //clear buffer
bufferMessage(); //receive and display one incoming message