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Serial port timeout...

countercounter Posts: 4
edited 2005-10-19 14:14 in General Discussion
I've been playing around with my new Javelin Stamp (using the USB-BOE) for a couple of days now and have had great·fun flashing LEDs, etc...· Yesterday I started trying to control a servo using the PWM object and, after some initial success, have a problem that I can't figure out how to fix:· I've used the IDE to download about ten revisions of a simple program, but something has happened that's preventing me from downloading any new programs to the chip.· Specifically, when I select the "Program" action from the "Project" menu on the IDE, the pop-up dialog displays "Resetting Javelin" and then "Downloading Program", but shortly afterwards I see
"[noparse][[/noparse]Error IDE-0022] Error reading from the serial port (timeout)"
at the bottom of the IDE.· I've tried restarting the IDE, disconnecting and reconnecting the USB serial cable, rebooting the (XP) machine, and disconnecting and reconnecting the power·to the ·the Javelin Stamp, but nothing has solved the problem.
Anybody have any ideas?· I was doing so well· [noparse]:)[/noparse]


  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2004-11-27 05:05
    Did you also try powering the XP off and on again (not just reset) ?

    regards peter
  • countercounter Posts: 4
    edited 2004-11-27 20:20
    Hi Peter--

    Thanks very much for the advice, but unfortunately it didn't help-- I'm still seeing the same problem even after a hardware-restart of my XP box.

    Another data point:· I'm able to successfully invoke the "Test Connection" action from the "Project" menu-- the Javelin Stamp is found successfully.

    Again, thanks for the help. Any more ideas? I'm pretty well stopped dead here [noparse]:)[/noparse]

  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2004-11-28 00:06
    Try if Identify command works,

    with nothing connected to javelin.

    Check your Vin voltage (pin24) (do you use batteries?)

    and check if pin21 (VDD) outputs 5V.

    Also try re-inserting javelin in socket (if any).

    regards peter
  • countercounter Posts: 4
    edited 2004-11-29 00:21
    Hello Peter--

    Thanks for the reply.

    With respect to the "Identify" command-- it does work, successfully finding the Javelin on COM4.

    With respect to Vin-- I'm showing 12.5 volts between Vin and Vss, which is a little alarming because my AC adapter (so no, I'm not using batteries) is clearly marked 9 volts. Could this be the problem?

    Vdd to Vss shows exactly 5 volts.

    Following your advice, I removed and re-inserted my Javelin into the socket on my carrier board (a BOE USB, rev B). Instead of reconnecting the AC adapter I connected a 9 volt battery. When I do this the voltage across Vin/Vss is as you'd expect, 9 volts. But when I try to download a simple "Hello world" program, I see the same error.

    Again, thanks very very much for taking the time to think about this-- I really appreciate your advice. Any recommendations for other things I could try?

  • countercounter Posts: 4
    edited 2004-11-29 00:38
    Hello again--

    There's also another thread in this forum discussing the same problem:

  • voodoofishvoodoofish Posts: 67
    edited 2005-03-22 06:10
    Has there been any solution for this issue as of yet??

    I just plugged my javalin into my boe revc board serial connection, and am getting the same problem. I can detect and test Terminal test is on there, and thats about all it'll seem to take. When I try to program something new like hellow world, it links, resets, goes to download, then the terminal pops up displaying the terminal_test app again. about midway through the text being displayed, it seems to drop the serial connection.

    This is on a win2k laptop (pII-300) with the latest software on the machine. and nothing else cept for acrobat to read the pdf files.

    I also have a bs2 that works just fine with the same battery.

    Anyway, this is all new stuff that I just bought a week ago....smhair.gif

    Thanks for any help ]

  • voodoofishvoodoofish Posts: 67
    edited 2005-03-28 23:49
    Alright, I got the stamp working on a desktop system...still can't do it on the laptop... [noparse]:([/noparse]
    my bs2 works fine on the laptop though....don't quite understand what the problem is.....
  • DaFonzDaFonz Posts: 4
    edited 2005-09-13 04:36
    I'm not new to programming but I am new to programming chips.· Unfortunately though, I've come up with the exact same problem as Counter above.· I talked with Parallax's support a few times and·Ryan thought it was the latency timer problem.· I would've been happy if it was, but it wasn't.· The scenario is almost exactly as Counter's.· I successfully loaded and ran 15-20 programs but then timeout error·IDE-0022 started showing up.· My settings are as follows:

    Windows Ver:· XP Pro, w. Service Pack 2

    Javelin IDE Ver:· 2.0.3 build 0

    Port:· COM4
    Baud:· 9600
    Data bits:· 8
    Parity:· None
    Stop bits:· 1
    Flow control:· None

    Receive:· 4096 Bytes
    Transmit:· 4096 Bytes
    Latency Timer:· 1 msec
    Minimum Read Timeout:· 0 msec
    Minimum Write Timeout:· 0 msec
    Serial Enumerator:· Checked
    Serial Printer:· Unchecked
    Cancel If Power Off:· Unchecked
    Event On Surprise Removal:· Unchecked
    Set RTS On Close:· Unchecked

    Port Driver Ver:· 1.0.2151.0

    The settings seem pretty standard and I've played around with them until I couldn't stand the sight of the device manager anymore, but nothing has revived the chip yet.· The Identify and Test Connection commands work,·but it times out when you try to download a program.· With Ryan I set the latency to 1 and·reinstalled the Parallax-specific driver files, but nothing has worked.· The only thing different about the last program from the other 20-or-so was that it was the first time I'd tried using a UART within an endless loop.· I think the program sort of worked the first time, but the chip's been useless since.· Will an endless loop void any attempt to reprogram the Javelin?· If so, is there a way to manually clear the memory?

    Thank you in advance for any suggestings,

  • TyreBiterTyreBiter Posts: 40
    edited 2005-09-14 21:24

    I have been having the same problem with uart's in an endless loop. The senario is nearly identical to what dafonz described. I have, however, both a paralledl boe-bot with one javelin and a usb boe-bot with a second javelin. This problem comes up with both javelins but only on the usb boe-bot.

    The problem is resolved by puting the offending javelin into the parallel boe-bot and re-loading it with the same code, re-insert the re-loaded javelin into the usb boe-bot and everything is fine... unitl it happens again...

    It is worth pointing out I run the parallel boe-bot on a the same laptop using a FTDI US232B USB to Serial Adapter without any problems.

    Before I trash the javelin pins I am buying another parallel boe-bot board and another FTDI US232B USB Adapter.
  • DaFonzDaFonz Posts: 4
    edited 2005-09-22 19:09

    By "parallel" boe-bot, do you mean using a standard serial cable to program the Javelin?


    There are only 10 kinds of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  • TyreBiterTyreBiter Posts: 40
    edited 2005-09-22 22:07
    Sorry about the typo.

    My project started out with two javelins. One USB based BOE board and one serial based BOE board. The catch is that the serial board was running from my laptop's USB port though a FTDI US232B USB to Serial Adapter then to the serial port on the BOE board without any problems, until…

    I have been following the USB BOE Board/ javelin problem through this forum and have been keeping up with the suggested fixes. When you mentioned your problems with a UART running in an endless loop, I realized that my own problems started when I began working on communicating between my USB BOE board and my serial BOE board through a UART. The program I am working on runs unmodified on both javelins. The only hardware failure I have experienced has been a number of USB BOE board locking-ups. The solution to the problem was to take the offending javelin from the USB BOE board to the serial BOE board system and reloading the program. That worked fine until the next failure, then away we go again.

    I now have two serial BOE board systems running from USB ports on my laptop though USB to serial protocol converters (FTDI US232B USB). Since changing to two serial boards I have continued with my UART development without jamming the javelin chip as yet (nock on wood).

    From my experience, the problem seems to be related to the on-board USB system.
  • DaFonzDaFonz Posts: 4
    edited 2005-09-27 14:12
    I got a serial cable and tried programming the busted Javelin with it on my PDB.· It worked!· So I think you are right that the problem lies within the on-board USB FTDI chip.· That's kind of depressing, because although my current laptop still has a serial port, new ones don't and I'll probably have to use the USB-serial adapter then.· Thanks for the help!


    There are only 10 kinds of people in the world:

    Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2005-09-27 16:42
    Can those with the problem verify what board they were/are using? I'm trying to pin down if this is an FTDI driver or IC issue.


    Ryan Clarke
    Parallax Tech Support
  • DaFonzDaFonz Posts: 4
    edited 2005-10-02 02:42

    The board I'm using is the Professional Development Board. Since AuburnSky's board was BOE, I'm guessing the problem is in the on-board FTDI. Please keep me updated if anything is ever found.


    There are only 10 kinds of people in the world:

    Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  • RodneyRodney Posts: 1
    edited 2005-10-19 14:14
    Any updates on this? I've just started using the Javelin and have hit the same problem. I'm using the BOE-USB, rev B (and strangely enough also trying to do some uart stuff).

    Unfortunately I don't have a serial BOE to play with. I got desperate so I wired up the Javelin on a separate breadboard with a serial port (see Javelin Stamp Errata v1.3, page i). I got it unstuck, put it back into the BOE and immediately managed to get it stuck again.

    I really don't want to buy another board but it looks like I don't have much choice.

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