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Note to educators: BASIC Stamp courses planned this Spring and Summer — Parallax Forums

Note to educators: BASIC Stamp courses planned this Spring and Summer

Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
edited 2005-05-13 22:35 in Learn with BlocklyProp
To our educators,
Parallax is operating a number of BASIC Stamp Educator’s Courses across the country in coming months. These courses generally span two days and cost $195.00. For this amount you will get a Boe-Bot and an assortment of components from the Stamps in Class curriculum (which is incorporated into the RoboEducators microcontroller programming curriculum). The courses are usually hosted by educational institutions who use our products and are geared towards high school and college level instructors (and students).
We currently have courses scheduled in the following locations:
  • Davidson County Community College in Lexington, NC
  • Parallax Inc. in Rocklin, CA
  • West Moreland CSD in West Moreland, NY
  • Cheshire Career Center/Keene High School in Keene, NH
  • Miramar College in San Diego, CA
  • STMicroelectronics in Carrollton, TX·
Dates, registration and enrollment are on our web site at If you want to attend a really fantastic course, enroll in this summer’s class at our Parallax office in Rocklin, California. Not only will you program the BASIC Stamp in a robot and interface with some neat sensors (digital compasses, accelerometers, color, vibration, etc.), but you’ll see demonstrations of BASIC Stamps incorporated into lawn mowing robots, flocking robots, R/C twin-engine airplanes and industrial control projects (sign displays, high-voltage, etc.). Additionally, you will be served the finest food from our on-staff “chefs” who are actually our accountants, technical support and receptionists. We welcome you at our office.
If you have any questions about our BASIC Stamp Educator’s Courses please feel free to use this group or ask a Parallax representative.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.


  • kenhilkekenhilke Posts: 4
    edited 2005-04-29 21:39

    I have taken one of these classes, and LOVED it.
    I would be interested in any other classes on some of your other areas or an advanced class.
    I would also be interested in hosting classes if you want someplace in western PA just north of Pittsburgh.


    Ken Hilke

    P.S. You might wont to think about creating a class for non-tech teachers, kind of on overview and intro to science, math and even english and history teachers.....
  • steve_bsteve_b Posts: 1,563
    edited 2005-04-30 00:19
    I would be interested in a "north of the border" course!
    We could all go for dogsled rides powered by SumoBots!


    "Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
  • Aristides AlvarezAristides Alvarez Posts: 486
    edited 2005-04-30 23:54
    Hello Ken,
    Thank you for your comments and your interest in hosting a class.
    Hosting a BASIC Stamp Educator's Course is very simple and most of the information is well presented in this page:
    Our classes are very open for non-tech teachers.
    For example, I remember one class in Brooklyn where ~50% were Art teachers and we had only a 10% of tech-teachers.
    For more information about hosting a class in your area please contact me at

    Aristides Alvarez
    Education and Technical Support Manager
    Parallax, Inc.
  • lightsoutlightsout Posts: 22
    edited 2005-05-01 02:08
    What would it take to get you to do a course here in Minneapolis. I am not a teacher but I am part of a large home-school group,inventors group and other groups that I think I could round-up a class from. What does it cost ? Would it be $195. per person ?
  • Aristides AlvarezAristides Alvarez Posts: 486
    edited 2005-05-01 04:35
    Hello lightsout,
    We would gladly have a BASIC Stamp Educator Course over there!
    The only cost for the class is $195 per Educator, with a minimum enrolment of 12 Educators.
    Educators include teachers K-12, Vocational School, College and University level and also home-school teacher/parents.
    The host only needs to provide the computer lab, usually located at his Educational Institution (as specified here: and do his best to pass the voice about the class, to ensure the minimum enrolment.
    The class fee includes about $400 in hardware for the participants to keep.

    Aristides Alvarez
    Education and Technical Support Manager
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Ed StennieEd Stennie Posts: 18
    edited 2005-05-13 13:45
    Hello Aristides,

    I recently registered for the course offered in West Moreland, NY but I haven't received any information about the exact location or suggestions for possible accommodations in the area.· Is this something that you can assist me with or should I contact the host?
  • Aristides AlvarezAristides Alvarez Posts: 486
    edited 2005-05-13 16:27
    Hello Ed,
    We usually send an email with detailed information around a week before the class.
    We obtain all that information from the host, so if you need to book tickets or make travel arrangements, I recommend you to contact the host for this class from the link in this page:
    JD is a great host and he can give you all the information you need.

    Aristides Alvarez
    Education and Technical Support Manager
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Ed StennieEd Stennie Posts: 18
    edited 2005-05-13 17:57
    Thanks, I'll drop him a note.· I was just a little concerned because I hadn't received any confirmation from Parallax.
  • Aristides AlvarezAristides Alvarez Posts: 486
    edited 2005-05-13 22:35
    Hello Ed,

    Just to make sure your registration made it through our system, please contact me by private email at and I'll verify it.


    Aristides Alvarez
    Education and Technical Support Manager
    Parallax, Inc.
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