Voltage --> A2D --> Stamp --> Digital Pot

Working from Matt Gilliland's "The Microcontroller Application Cookbook #1"
Page 221 is my hookup and program for the analog voltage input.· Page· 188 is my hookup and program for my digital potentiometer.· I am trying to combine both these programs to eventually convert a analog voltage, 0 to 5 volts, into a resistance value coming out of the digital pot.· Would like resistance to change as quickly as the analog voltage changes.

x VAR byte
y VAR byte
Incr VAR byte
LOW 0 'enable the 0831 AD converter
PULSOUT 1,1 'send the first set up out clock pulse.
x=0 'set x to 0
FOR y= 1 to 8·· 'loop 8 times to get 8 data bits
PULSOUT1,1·· 'send a clock pulse
x=x*2·· 'shift the bits left
x=x+IN2·· 'add the value of x to the incoming bit
HIGH 0·· 'disable the 0831 AD converter
DEBUG ?X· 'display the result.
'To this point everything is working great!

' This is where I screw up, getting the information to the 1804 POT.
LOW 13·· 'select DS 1804 Digital POT.
LOW 12· 'set direction to counter -clockwise
Incr=x· 'Read analog voltage number
FOR x=1 to 255
LOW 11
HIGH 12·· 'set direction to clockwise
Incr=x·· 'Read analog voltage number
FOR x= 1 to 255
PAUSE 1000·· 'View it on the ohm meter
LOW 11
GOTO here

I am brand new at programming.·Help--Teacher is in Florida at a Teacher's conference.

Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams) : 12/9/2004 4:13:56 AM GMT
You're having trouble with your digital pot because you're destroying the·adc value (in x) with a FOR-NEXT loop.
Let me suggest that you also read the section of the Help file called "The Elements of PBASIC Style."· Using single-letter variables an pin numbers (instead of named pins) is an easy way to make a big mess and get lost.· PBASIC allows for very elegant coding that will save you from creating lots of bugs in the long run.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Post Edited (Jon Williams) : 12/9/2004 4:29:39 AM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Basic Analog and Digital - Chapter 3 has a similar BASIC Stamp 2, ADC0831, potentiometer/voltmeter application and lots of explanations.· There is also some warm-up material in the chapter before, and some simple applications in the chapters that follow.·
Understanding Signals - Chapter 5 takes a closer look at the synchronous serial communication between the BASIC Stamp 2 and the ADC0831.· With the aid of the Parallax Oscilloscope, the SHIFTIN command is examined along with the mechanics of making the ADC0831 transmit its digital value.
Industrial Control - Chapters 4 through 6 use the ADC0831 to measure a temperature probe in a closed loop temperature control system.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay) : 12/9/2004 7:39:28 AM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office