- laser pointer, not OT
Hello all.
> If any one else knows a good source for low cost
> laser pointers than can be disassembled then used in a Stamp project
> please let me (us) know.
This discussion is not Off Topic, because is related to interfacing the
laser to a BASIC Stamp.
Please don't use the OT identification, because this is not an off topic
Because this forum has more than 4000 members that joined it to discuss
about the BASIC Stamp, I'll be removing from the basicstamps list all
messages non related to the BASIC Stamp.
This thread is BASIC Stamp related, so it will keep posting.
Aristides Alvarez
International Education Program Developer
Parallax, Inc. www.parallax.com
California, USA
> If any one else knows a good source for low cost
> laser pointers than can be disassembled then used in a Stamp project
> please let me (us) know.
This discussion is not Off Topic, because is related to interfacing the
laser to a BASIC Stamp.
Please don't use the OT identification, because this is not an off topic
Because this forum has more than 4000 members that joined it to discuss
about the BASIC Stamp, I'll be removing from the basicstamps list all
messages non related to the BASIC Stamp.
This thread is BASIC Stamp related, so it will keep posting.
Aristides Alvarez
International Education Program Developer
Parallax, Inc. www.parallax.com
California, USA
then buying and disassembling pointers. low voltage,
low current
--- Aristides Alvarez <aristidesparallax@y...>
> Hello all.
> > If any one else knows a good source for low cost
> > laser pointers than can be disassembled then used
> in a Stamp project
> > please let me (us) know.
> This discussion is not Off Topic, because is related
> to interfacing the
> laser to a BASIC Stamp.
> Please don't use the OT identification, because this
> is not an off topic
> thread.
> Because this forum has more than 4000 members that
> joined it to discuss
> about the BASIC Stamp, I'll be removing from the
> basicstamps list all
> messages non related to the BASIC Stamp.
> This thread is BASIC Stamp related, so it will keep
> posting.
> Saludos,
> Aristides Alvarez
> International Education Program Developer
> aalvarez@p...
> Parallax, Inc. www.parallax.com
> California, USA
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