basic stamp and pc communication
How do I test my bs1? The stamp dont communicate with pc. I tested
and found no shorts. The voltage (in and out of regulator) is OK. The
cable is OK too. What else should i check? Thanks.
and found no shorts. The voltage (in and out of regulator) is OK. The
cable is OK too. What else should i check? Thanks.
>How do I test my bs1? The stamp dont communicate with pc. I tested
>and found no shorts. The voltage (in and out of regulator) is OK. The
>cable is OK too. What else should i check? Thanks.
Which version of the Stamp Editor are you using ?
I trust you are using the parallel port if you're using the Stamp1.EXE Editor.
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The latest version (2.1, beta 1) of the editor supports the BS1 but
requires a serial adapter.
Note: Our Windows editor does NOT support the original (parallel port)
BS1 programming cable.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: luiz_kapa [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]luizzz@h...[/url
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004 3:34 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] basic stamp and pc communication
How do I test my bs1? The stamp dont communicate with pc. I tested
and found no shorts. The voltage (in and out of regulator) is OK. The
cable is OK too. What else should i check? Thanks.