RF Amplifier
Hello All
To some this might not be a stamp question, but please hear me out, I need help.
I bought a RC truck for my son, I have modified the motor driver to handle a 12V
battery ( was 7.2V ). With the extra power the range seems a little short. I was
wandering if any one knows If there is a RF amplifier that I could add to the
truck? There is no room in the remote but there is allot of room in the truck.
Also I have been looking for a charger that will do a fast charge. There are two
batteries. 12V 4 amp/Hr lead acid, & TYCO 7.2V NiCad. I want to make a charger
that I plug into the truck. I was going to use two chargers in one box to do
both batteries.
Thanks for any info
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
To some this might not be a stamp question, but please hear me out, I need help.
I bought a RC truck for my son, I have modified the motor driver to handle a 12V
battery ( was 7.2V ). With the extra power the range seems a little short. I was
wandering if any one knows If there is a RF amplifier that I could add to the
truck? There is no room in the remote but there is allot of room in the truck.
Also I have been looking for a charger that will do a fast charge. There are two
batteries. 12V 4 amp/Hr lead acid, & TYCO 7.2V NiCad. I want to make a charger
that I plug into the truck. I was going to use two chargers in one box to do
both batteries.
Thanks for any info
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
My guess is that the motors running at a higher voltage is creating more
noise, and so shortning the range. It might be possible to install some .1
and .01 uF filter caps and clean up the noise.
Is the receiver voltage regulated? If not, the RX module may be protesting
due to high voltage. Check the voltage on the receiver module (not the
input, but on the board at the RF chip. You can find the RF chip by
following the antenna trace. It isn't easy to amplify RF and keep a clean
signal. What frequency does the unit run at?
Another thing you might try, run the motors off the new battery pack and run
the RF receiver from a seperate battery pack, like some "AA", at the
original voltage.
Hope this helps,
Original Message
From: "Anthony Conti" <aconti@s...>
To: <basicstamps@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 8:54 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] RF Amplifier
> Hello All
> To some this might not be a stamp question, but please hear me out, I need
> I bought a RC truck for my son, I have modified the motor driver to handle
a 12V battery ( was 7.2V ). With the extra power the range seems a little
short. I was wandering if any one knows If there is a RF amplifier that I
could add to the truck? There is no room in the remote but there is allot of
room in the truck.
> Also I have been looking for a charger that will do a fast charge. There
are two batteries. 12V 4 amp/Hr lead acid, & TYCO 7.2V NiCad. I want to make
a charger that I plug into the truck. I was going to use two chargers in one
box to do both batteries.
> Thanks for any info
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build and you can find plans and information in the Amateur Radio Handbook
from www.arrl.com. Most libraries also carry this book or similar
publications. This amp would fit between the antenna and receiver in the
truck and should improve range a bit. If the receiver has sufficient gain
already, you may not see much improvement. Consider a better (resonant)
antenna before adding a pre-amp and you might get the results you need for
the cost of a bit of wire. Antenna designs are also in the handbook and
other publications available at the same site.
Original Message
From: Anthony Conti [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=SCzor5nJXSW7tFi360lMFNOhG8zLEtMtHjGaCk1auY2Z64j0Mix7XBfQ6IFT1-noV_fHO63p8Loz285i]aconti@s...[/url
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 11:55 PM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] RF Amplifier
Hello All
To some this might not be a stamp question, but please hear me out, I need
I bought a RC truck for my son, I have modified the motor driver to handle a
12V battery ( was 7.2V ). With the extra power the range seems a little
short. I was wandering if any one knows If there is a RF amplifier that I
could add to the truck? There is no room in the remote but there is allot of
room in the truck.
Also I have been looking for a charger that will do a fast charge. There are
two batteries. 12V 4 amp/Hr lead acid, & TYCO 7.2V NiCad. I want to make a
charger that I plug into the truck. I was going to use two chargers in one
box to do both batteries.
Thanks for any info
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