Interface 2 - BS1 with 1- BS 2
I am looking to interconnect three basicstamps (2 -BS1, 1 BS2) to
operate as one. The purpose is to be able to program as many pins as
possible to toggle in given LED patterns. (Preferably in one pattern
of 32 pins rather than 2 patterns of of 8 pins, and 1 pattern of 16.)
Does this make sense? Then, I wish to program them all using pbasic.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I am a novice use of stamps.
operate as one. The purpose is to be able to program as many pins as
possible to toggle in given LED patterns. (Preferably in one pattern
of 32 pins rather than 2 patterns of of 8 pins, and 1 pattern of 16.)
Does this make sense? Then, I wish to program them all using pbasic.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I am a novice use of stamps.
Volts article. Have a look:
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: jpicolla [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]jpicolla@w...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 12:21 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Interface 2 - BS1 with 1- BS 2
I am looking to interconnect three basicstamps (2 -BS1, 1 BS2) to
operate as one. The purpose is to be able to program as many pins as
possible to toggle in given LED patterns. (Preferably in one pattern
of 32 pins rather than 2 patterns of of 8 pins, and 1 pattern of 16.)
Does this make sense? Then, I wish to program them all using pbasic.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I am a novice use of stamps.
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Maybe you can get some ideas from Application Note 14: Networking Multiple
Stamps from the BS1 Application Notes:
If you use an asyncronous serial bus, the main issue is to use the same bit
transmition rate (bps) and the same format, start bits, data bits, stop bits.
Another option is to use a synchronous serial bus, but you use one pin as data
and another as clock.
If you use open collector signals the lines could be multidrop and
bidireccional, like the I2C bus.
On the logic part, one option coud be use one BS as the main processor or
Master, and the others as peripherial processors or Slaves. I think this is good
starting point.
Hope this would help,
Tec. Claudio J. P