ls7166 quadradture reader chip
hi everyone, has anyone used this chip that can get me started with
some example code? the chip has 8 data pins which are used to write
to its' control register and also to read the counter latch,, and
what i can gather from the spec sheet, the STAMP has to send a byte
to the control register to start the process of reading from the
counter latch. where i get lost is not knowing enough about accessing
and using this type of i.c. thanks in advance.
some example code? the chip has 8 data pins which are used to write
to its' control register and also to read the counter latch,, and
what i can gather from the spec sheet, the STAMP has to send a byte
to the control register to start the process of reading from the
counter latch. where i get lost is not knowing enough about accessing
and using this type of i.c. thanks in advance.
is based on wiring as follows:
Stamp pin ls7166 pin
P0/P7 D0/D7
P10 RD
P11 C/D
Connect ls7166 pins 3 and 4 to 5volts (disable)
'Code example
ENC_COUNT VAR Word ' WORD to hold encoder count ls bytes
ENC_COUNTHI VAR Byte 'BYTE to hold encoder count ms byte
'Set initial STAMP2 I/O conditions
DIRS = $0F00 'I/O pins 0-7=IN, 8-11=OUT
OUTC = $F 'LS7166 CD=1, WR=1, RD=1, CS=1 (0 true)
'Setup LS7166 initial conditions
DIRL = $FF 'bus = output
'Set OCCR count control register
OUTL = $80 'count normal binary
OUTC = $C 'CD=1, RD=1, WR=0, CS=0
OUTC = $F 'CD=1, RD=1, WR=1, CS=1
'Set QR register
OUTL = $C3 'quadrature X4 mode
OUTC = $C 'CD=1, RD=1, WR=0, CS=0
OUTC = $F 'CD=1, RD=1, WR=1, CS=1
'Set ICR input control register
OUTL = $48 'enable A & B inputs
OUTC = $C 'CD=1, RD=1, WR=0, CS=0
OUTC = $F 'CD=1, RD=1, WR=1, CS=1
'Reset counter via MCR register
OUTL = $04 'reset counter
OUTC = $C 'CD=1, RD=1, WR=0, CS=0
OUTC = $F 'CD=1, RD=1, WR=1, CS=1
'Main program loop
GOSUB READ_ENCODER 'go get the counts
'insert code here to do something with the counts
'Subroutine to read encoder count
'Reset address pointer and transfer count to Output Latch
DIRL = $FF 'bus is output
OUTL = $3 'reset OL address pointer, transfer CNTR to OL
OUTC = $C 'CD=1, RD=1, WR=0, CS=0
OUTC = $7 'CD=0, RD=1, WR=1, CS=1
'Read encoder
DIRL = $00 'bus is input
OUTC = $2 'CD=0, RD=0, WR=1, CS=0
ENC_COUNT.LOWBYTE = INL 'read ls byte of encoder
OUTC = $6 'CD=0, RD=1, WR=1, CS=0
OUTC = $2 'CD=0, RD=0, WR=1, CS=0
ENC_COUNT.HIGHBYTE = INL 'read mid byte of encoder
OUTC = $6 'CD=0, RD=1, WR=1, CS=0
OUTC = $2 'CD=0, RD=0, WR=1, CS=0
ENC_COUNTHI = INL 'read high byte of encoder
OUTC = $7 'CD=0, RD=1, WR=1, CS=1
In a message dated 1/10/04 5:38:49 PM Central Standard Time, >
> From: "lakewood5982003" <598@m...>
> hi everyone, has anyone used this chip that can get me started with
> some example code? the chip has 8 data pins which are used to write
> to its' control register and also to read the counter latch,, and
> what i can gather from the spec sheet, the STAMP has to send a byte
> to the control register to start the process of reading from the
> counter latch. where i get lost is not knowing enough about accessing
> and using this type of i.c. thanks in advance.
> mark
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]