bsII and linux + Chat area
Hello bs2linuxuser and John.
> Also, is there a chat group for this?
> That's not a bad idea, I notice some replies come pretty rapidly, I have
> a feeling many here don't get too far away from the list. (I was just
> wondering why the list was so quiet, my Saturday nights have been
> reduced to hoping for good traffic on the list!)
This forum already has a chat system, but nobody uses it.
The link is:
This list is more useful as an asynchronous communication system.
The message system also has the advantaje of producing a complete and
searchable database of emails, where you can find the answer to your
question even without sendind an email, just searching the database with
some keywords related to your problem.
Sometimes it is hard to coordinate people to meet at the same time, but
having almost 4000 members, you should be able to find a buch to chat for a
To start chatting, members have to click in the previous link and stay there
until at least another member also sign in.
Aristides Alvarez
International Education Program Developer
Parallax, Inc.
California, USA
> Also, is there a chat group for this?
> That's not a bad idea, I notice some replies come pretty rapidly, I have
> a feeling many here don't get too far away from the list. (I was just
> wondering why the list was so quiet, my Saturday nights have been
> reduced to hoping for good traffic on the list!)
This forum already has a chat system, but nobody uses it.
The link is:
This list is more useful as an asynchronous communication system.
The message system also has the advantaje of producing a complete and
searchable database of emails, where you can find the answer to your
question even without sendind an email, just searching the database with
some keywords related to your problem.
Sometimes it is hard to coordinate people to meet at the same time, but
having almost 4000 members, you should be able to find a buch to chat for a
To start chatting, members have to click in the previous link and stay there
until at least another member also sign in.
Aristides Alvarez
International Education Program Developer
Parallax, Inc.
California, USA
I should add one needs to set
in the makefile provided with the pbasic tokenizer code for linux
if one wishes to compile the sample program (at least on RH8.0)
--- In, "Aristides Alvarez"
<aristidesparallax@y...> wrote:
> Hello bs2linuxuser and John.
> Saludos,
> Aristides Alvarez
> International Education Program Developer
> aalvarez@p...
> Parallax, Inc.
> California, USA