speed control
Hello group,
I am building a project that uses a shop vac as a
blower, I need to be able to control the blower speed
with the stamp (bs2sx). Does anyone have a suggestion
on a 115VAC ( 11 amp) motor speed controller circuit
that would work and the stamp could manipulate? The
circuit could be stepped, ex. speed low, medium and
high, or it preferably would be stepless and the stamp
could vary the speed to any rate. Whatever the
circuit, it must be able to be controlled by the
stamp. Thanks in advance for your responses. Have a
great Christmas.
Scott Sutton
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I am building a project that uses a shop vac as a
blower, I need to be able to control the blower speed
with the stamp (bs2sx). Does anyone have a suggestion
on a 115VAC ( 11 amp) motor speed controller circuit
that would work and the stamp could manipulate? The
circuit could be stepped, ex. speed low, medium and
high, or it preferably would be stepless and the stamp
could vary the speed to any rate. Whatever the
circuit, it must be able to be controlled by the
stamp. Thanks in advance for your responses. Have a
great Christmas.
Scott Sutton
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the AC and control it as any DC motor. Just expect the brushes to wear a
little quicker than usual.
Original Message
> From: Scott Sutton [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=J_3tz-g5UQg8k3A-OfpWXLCaLH8bzAFc5XBCC9VpDtn-0YTRV6JJQj8lxHctswoKGFCRDcF34HFfNT2wN4o_I9k]scottsutton67@y...[/url
> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 5:41 AM
> To: Stamp Tech support
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] speed control
> Hello group,
> I am building a project that uses a shop vac as a
> blower, I need to be able to control the blower speed
> with the stamp (bs2sx). Does anyone have a suggestion
> on a 115VAC ( 11 amp) motor speed controller circuit
> that would work and the stamp could manipulate? The
> circuit could be stepped, ex. speed low, medium and
> high, or it preferably would be stepless and the stamp
> could vary the speed to any rate. Whatever the
> circuit, it must be able to be controlled by the
> stamp. Thanks in advance for your responses. Have a
> great Christmas.
> Scott Sutton
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I have been in the middle of reading a book on PIC microcontrollers
until I realized that most everyone is using STAMPs. Being 17 years
old, I don't have the money YET to buy a microcontroller so I wanted
to learn the basics of programming and electronics before I invest in
an actual unit. Is it easier to learn programming and electronics on
microcontrollers or interfacing with a PC? I just learned a little
bit on Pascal programming and I just wanted to know if anyone could
teach me or know of any sites that could teach me how to make a speed
control using pascal and a 486 (sorry, I know its a little off topic,
but I am REALLY new to electronics and the digital world).
stuff from a PC you need electronics hardware which costs money. For
example say you wanted to control some 110v lamps and make them blink or
something like that. You can't just plug the lamps into the PC. You'd need
some type of interface circuit which would most likely would connect to the
parallel or serial port. If I were you I'd save up and buy a Basic Stamp 2.
I started using basic stamps when I was 15 and based on my experience it's
the best way to learn. Stamps are also a very good way to get some basic
understanding of programming microcontrollers. Stamps use a subset of Basic
know as PBasic which gives a lot of control but handles a lot of the
difficult aspects of programming for you. PICs are actually very commonly
used but PICs have a little bit of a steeper learning curve then the stamp.
They maybe cheaper then the stamp but unless you know assembly you'll end up
buying a C or Basic compiler for the PIC.
So in short my recommendation to you is save up and get a Basic Stamp 2
starter kit or the StampWorks kit which is even better but it's expensive.
Then once your comfortable with electronics and programming move onto PC
interfacing if you want.
Chris Shuster
Original Message
From: "teilhardo" <teilhardo@y...>
To: <basicstamps@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 5:48 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] speed control
> Hi everyone,
> I have been in the middle of reading a book on PIC microcontrollers
> until I realized that most everyone is using STAMPs. Being 17 years
> old, I don't have the money YET to buy a microcontroller so I wanted
> to learn the basics of programming and electronics before I invest in
> an actual unit. Is it easier to learn programming and electronics on
> microcontrollers or interfacing with a PC? I just learned a little
> bit on Pascal programming and I just wanted to know if anyone could
> teach me or know of any sites that could teach me how to make a speed
> control using pascal and a 486 (sorry, I know its a little off topic,
> but I am REALLY new to electronics and the digital world).
> Thanks,
> Tei
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