Better code in spin 1

in Propeller 1
There must be a shorter way to write something like this. Help! Thanks Aaron
IFNOT secs//15
ELSEIFNOT secs//30 'read RTC 4 times per minute
UpdateTemps 'UpdateTemps once per minute
ELSEIFNOT secs//45
ELSEIFNOT secs//58
ELSEIFNOT secs//75
ELSEIFNOT secs//90
ELSEIFNOT secs//105
ELSEIFNOT secs//120
ELSEIFNOT secs//135
ELSEIFNOT secs//150
What is your goal? One programmer's thinking is not always obvious to others, especially with uncommented code.
Why would secs ever be more than 59 if you're reading an RTC?
The one thing you do indicate is updating temps every minute. An easy way to determine that using an RTC is to look for the seconds to be a specific value (I use 0, but it can be anything between 0 and 59). In order to prevent multiple reads during the 1-second window, I use a variable that compares the current seconds value with the last read; a change indicates a new second.
This is the check code
last := -1 repeat check_rtc if (scs <> last) ' new second? last := scs ' mark this read term.fstr3(string("\r%.2d:%.2d:%.2d "), hrs, mns, scs) ' show current time if (scs == 0) ' new minute? term.str(string("Update temps"))
This is output from the attached demo.
Let's say you want to do something every five minutes. I would handle that like this (inside the 'new read' block):
if (scs == 0) and (mns // 5 == 0) term.str(string("5-min process"))