Core Isolation / Memory integrity issue with Win11 & FTDI
This is a new one on me...
Installed Prop Tool on new Win11 laptop and FTDI driver didn't work...
Got a message to turn off Memory Integrity in Core Isolation in settings.
Don't quite understand this, but there's something about it here:
Anyway, works after turning it off, but doesn't make me feel good...
Was that with the FTDI drivers being installed from the Prop Tool install package?
I wonder if those are a little out of date.
Could you try the latest signed VCP drivers from FTDI ?
FTDI Virtual COM port (VCP) drivers
Yes was from Prop Tool install package.
It's working now, after that change in settings...
Checked another Win11 PC that didn't have this issue. On this one, the Memory Integrity was already off.
Maybe it's something they just started turning on? Don't know...
Looking here, I found my Win11 also is "vulnerable" !
Oh well- life on the edge!
Sounds like any code running from a less-than-$1T-market-cap company could pose a danger to our democracy.
Linux avoids all this nonsense by declaring that all drivers that aren't included as source in the main kernel git repo are officially unsupported - then they can afford to make security improvements without constantly breaking everything, because all drivers get changed at the same time in a consistent manner.
@VonSzarvas Using drivers you linked to didn't fix it...
Good to know- thanks.
Kinda shocking really that Win11 is not able to trust FTDI. Guess there's more to it though
Maybe it's just the process and/or cost. I wonder if there are any paid up and trusted silicon firms out there !